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The value code of "The Rule of China"

The fourth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee put forward 13 significant advantages of the system of socialist country with Chinese characteristics on the basis of a profound summary of the practical experience of China's system construction.

People-centered is the value orientation of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics. Socialist countries are countries where the people are masters of the country and the people are masters of the country. Our constitution stipulates that all power of the state belongs to the people. The state system of our country is the people's democratic dictatorship, the political system is the people's congress, and the people's nature is the fundamental attribute of a socialist country. Always represent the fundamental interests of the masses and always along the direction of socialism, and ensure that the people are masters of the country, reflect people's common will, protecting legal rights and interests of the people, earnestly safeguard social fairness and justice, is our country system and essential attribute and significant advantages of national governance system, and also effective operation system of our country and national governance system, full of vitality. From the perspective of value dimension, the superiority of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics is rooted in the people-centered system, embodied in the people-centered system and summed up in the people-centered system. It upholds the position of the people, respects the principal position of the people, advocates the supremacy of the people's interests, earnestly safeguards the rights of the people, always focuses on the realization, maintenance and development of the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people, and takes the promotion of the all-round development of the people as its starting point and goal. We will continue to improve people's wellbeing, increase their wellbeing, and ensure that the fruits of reform and development benefit all people in a more equitable manner. In a word, people-centered socialism with Chinese characteristics represents a distinct value orientation.

A better life for the people is the value pursuit of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics. As General Secretary Xi Jinping has pointed out, "Enabling the people to live a better life is the starting point and goal of all our work." The fundamental starting point of China's state system is to seek happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation. It is the inherent logic of China's state system to put the people first, let the people be the masters of the country, and effectively safeguard social fairness, justice and the people's rights. System of our country adhere to the guiding position of marxism, adhere to the socialist fundamental nature, always point to fairness and justice and common prosperity, its starting point and the foothold is to guarantee and realize the most broad people's fundamental interests, to meet people's increasing need of a better life, constantly improve the people's happiness, and the feeling of security. The fundamental value of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics lies in creating a better life for the people. A better life for the people is a value expression of the people's position, the people's discourse and the people's main body's appeal. In a word, it is a vivid reflection of the people's pursuit of value.

The people's interests are the standard of value of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics. Marx said, "Everything that men strive for has to do with their interests." The interest problem is fundamental, it belongs to the value problem itself. Our country is a People's Republic led by the Communist Party of China. As General Secretary Xi Jinping has pointed out, "The most essential feature of socialism with Chinese characteristics is the leadership of the COMMUNIST Party of China, and the biggest advantage of the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics is the leadership of the Communist Party of China." This means that the party's leadership system is China's fundamental leadership system, and it plays a leading role in the national system and governance system, playing a leading and commanding role. Our Party has no special interests of its own except the interests of the people. General Secretary Xi Jinping has said, "The fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people must be the highest standard for all the work of the Party." "To judge whether a social system is scientific and advanced, we should mainly judge whether it conforms to the national conditions, whether it is effective and effective, and whether it is supported by the people." This makes it clear that the interests of the people are the fundamental value standard of our party and state system, and the people are the supreme judge and the final judge. The interests of the people are the highest yardstick and standard of value for the system of socialist countries with Chinese characteristics.

The organic unity of the Leadership of the Party, the position of the people as masters of the country and the rule of law is the value means of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics. The value means is the way, method, procedure, means and tool to achieve the value goal, and it is also the bridge or boat to solve the problem of getting the value goal to reach the ideal other side. The Party is in a leading position in the state system and governance system, playing a leading and dominating role. We will uphold and improve the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, modernize China's governance system and capacity, and ensure that the people are happy. The people are the main body of state governance, and their role as masters of the country is the essence and core of socialist democracy. To make the people masters of the country, the key is to uphold the leadership of the Party. In the framework of China's national governance system, the people run the country through various channels and means, and the organs through which the people exercise state power are the National People's Congress and local people's congresses at various levels. By strengthening the leadership of the Party, consolidating, improving and developing the system of people's congresses, and ensuring that the people manage state affairs through various channels and in various forms in accordance with the law, we can better realize the people's position as masters of the country and their happiness. Rule of law is the basic way of modern national governance and the basic symbol of modernization of national governance. To comprehensively run the country according to law, improve the socialist rule of law and build a socialist country under the rule of law are the fundamental guarantee for building a great modern socialist country and realizing the happiness of the people. The leadership of the Party, the position of the people as masters of the country, and the rule of law are dialectically unified and integrated into the socialist system with Chinese characteristics. The Party leads the people in making the country their own; it leads the people in formulating the Constitution and laws; it leads the people in translating the Party's views into the will of the state in accordance with legal procedures; and it always conducts its activities within the scope of the Constitution and laws and governs the country in accordance with the Constitution and laws. Only by running the country, exercising power and administering the country in accordance with the law can we ensure that the people are masters of the country and strengthen the leadership of the Party. Only by strengthening the party's leadership can we better realize the people's position as masters of the country and comprehensively govern the country in accordance with the law. The organic unity of the three is the fundamental guarantee for upholding and improving the socialist system with Chinese characteristics and realizing the happiness of the people.

The happiness of the people is the value goal of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics. Our country is a socialist country, and our political power is a people's political power for the people, relying on the people and benefiting the people. Therefore, our national system inevitably regards the realization of people's happiness as the value goal and the ultimate destination. As General Secretary Xi Jinping has pointed out, "The people's aspiration for a better life is our goal." The national system of socialism with Chinese characteristics of the people's happiness as a value goal, embodied in, young Marx's socialism great banner, always taking the people as the body of the create happiness, closely rely on the people, always, the people in order to constantly improve and perfect the system of people's self-determination system, to arouse people's enthusiasm, initiative and creativity, promote the all-round development of human freedom; We stressed that happiness should be built and Shared by the people and Shared development should be emphasized. We should adhere to people-centered social governance, put the people first, maximize public interests, constantly promote social equity and justice, and always focus on planning reform and development to enhance and enhance the people's sense of gain, happiness and security, so as to better promote all-round human development and social progress. We must firmly grasp the people's aspiration for a better life, make "enabling the people to live a better life" the fundamental goal of all the actions of the Party and the state, and integrate the pursuit of happiness for the people into all our activities in governing the country. We must fulfill the expectations and aspirations of the people, respond to their calls, and do solid work to address their concerns and bring benefits to them.

The position of the people and the free and all-round development of the people are the value support and fundamental advantage of the socialist state system with Chinese characteristics, and also the value code of "The governance of China". The position of the people is the basis of the system, and the free and all-round development of the people is the basis of the system. It makes the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics obtain the largest historical rationality (in accordance with the law) and value legitimacy (in accordance with the purpose), occupying the commanding height of human truth and morality. As a result, it has become a powerful source of vitality, a great advantage, and a reliable guarantee for realizing the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people.

Source: Party Building Network