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We will innovate the united front theory to promote the development of the CPPCC

Theory is the forerunner of practice, and thought is the guide of action. To strengthen the "four self-confidence", we must first adhere to the theoretical self-confidence, which comes from the ability to innovate. The vitality of theoretical innovation lies in the answer and guidance to practical problems. At the beginning of the "two sessions", we need to reflect on the party's united front theory and give better play to the advantages of the political system with Chinese characteristics.

On September 20, 2019 xi jinping, general secretary of the work in the central committee of the conference and celebrate the 70 anniversary of the founding of the Chinese people's political consultative conference conference speech pointed out: "the people's political consultative conference is the communist party of China put the marxism-leninism united front theory, party theory, democratic political theory with China's actual combination of great achievement, is the leadership of the communist party of China's democratic parties and independents, people's organizations and people from all walks of life of all nationalities in the political system of great creation."

"Party building, united front and armed struggle" are three magic weapons for the CPC to lead the Chinese revolution to victory. In the historical period of socialist construction, the united front theory as an important part of the party's leadership theory is of great significance in the work of the CPPCC. General secretary xi jinping pointed out, "in the final analysis, the united front is the work of man, and the united front is to strengthen the force of common struggle. There are hundreds of millions of members of the united front in the democratic parties, non-party organizations, ethnic groups, religions, new social classes, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and overseas." To a large extent, the united front theory determines the nature, tasks, themes and functions of the CPPCC, and it must also be innovated with the development and changes of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Chinese communists, represented by MAO zedong, made great efforts to explore marxist democratic political theory and creatively put forward the theory of "contradictions among the people" to solve the political life of socialist countries, which is the continuation and development of the party's united front theory after the party came into power. Under the guidance of this theory, the party scientifically positioned and grasped the nature and functions of the CPPCC in the historical period of socialist construction, correctly handled the relationship between the CPPCC and the people's congress and the government, and established the basic framework of China's socialist political system. But this period of united front theory, mainly set up in new-democratic revolution period, on the basis of theory of class struggle, has not fundamentally get rid of the thinking and logic of "them", so in practice the socialist political system did not run well, the country's political life and the work of the people's political consultative conference was serious setback. After the reform and opening up, the party central committee with comrade deng xiaoping as the core, emancipate the mind, seeking truth from facts, right, changed the guiding ideology of "class struggle as the key link", creatively put forward the theory of the patriotic united front, comrade deng xiaoping pointed out: "socialist workers also have the united front" between, between workers united front to solve the country's political life and important way of contradictions among the people. Under the guidance of this theory, the party's class foundation has been constantly strengthened and its mass base has been constantly expanded, which has opened up space for the establishment and development of the socialist market economy system and also promoted the development of the CPPCC in the new era.

With the deepening of the socialist market economic system, China's economic and social structure is undergoing profound changes, new social classes and sectors continue to produce, connotation and characteristics of the people also, great changes have taken place in social interests are increasingly diversified, the people's right consciousness and subject consciousness, the people how to organize, how to better people's democracy practice become the important theoretical and practical problem. As the broadest patriotic united front organization and an important form of people's democracy, the CPPCC must answer these questions. This requires all levels of party committee and government attaches great importance to the work of the people's political consultative conference, in-depth study xi general secretary work on strengthening and improving the people's political consultative conference's important thoughts, request the people's political consultative conference innovative united front theory, development theory of people's political consultative conference, with theoretical innovation to drive the people's political consultative conference system and mechanism innovation, better development and practice of "Chinese" deliberative democracy, and constantly improve the level of people's political consultative conference, promote the great development in the people's political consultative conference.

Source: study times