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Huang haotao, hong xianghua: we will continue to promote the party to keep our mission in mind

Comrade xi jinping's important speech at the conference on summing up education on the theme of "never forget what we set out to do and never forget our mission" is not only a profound summary of the education on the theme, but also a remobilization and redeclaration of the party's efforts to keep the whole party's purpose in mind. We should take this thematic education as a new starting point, continue to deepen the party's self-revolution, and keep the whole party committed to our mission. We must therefore make it an eternal task to strengthen party building and a lifelong task for all party members and cadres to keep in mind their original intention and mission, improve and develop the inner-party system, and establish a system that keeps in mind their original intention and mission.

Comrade xi jinping in "don't forget the beginner's mind, keep in mind that the mission" theme education summarization convention (hereinafter referred to as the "summary") on the important speech, the party and national undertaking development from the new era of global and strategic perspective, fully affirmed the theme of the main results were obtained in education, to consolidate the development theme education, deepen the party's self revolution, continue to promote the party does not forget the beginner's mind, keep in mind that the mission has made a comprehensive deployment, put forward specific requirements. We should thoroughly study and apply jinping comrades important speech spirit, left no beginner's mind, keep in mind that the mission as the eternal subject of strengthening the party's construction and the party members and cadres of lifelong subject constant attention, formed the norm, to ensure long-term, continue to promote the party does not forget the beginner's mind, keep in mind that the mission, the construction of our party has more strong.

The vivid practice of deepening the party's self-revolution in the new era and promoting the in-depth development of comprehensively governing the party with strict discipline

It was a major decision made at the 19th CPC national congress and a major plan made by the CPC central committee with comrade xi jinping at its core to guide the great struggle, great project, great cause and great dream. Comrade xi jinping stressed: "this thematic education is a vivid practice of deepening the party's self-revolution in the new era and promoting the in-depth development of comprehensively governing the party with strict discipline."

Since the 18th national congress of the communist party of China (CPC), remarkable progress has been made in comprehensively governing the party with strict discipline. However, the party is also keenly aware that prominent problems within the party, such as political, ideological, organizational and style problems, have not yet been fundamentally resolved. Some problems that have been resolved may bounce back, new problems keep emerging, and the "four tests" and "four dangers" remain complex and severe. New era of socialism with Chinese characteristics in order to better use jinping arm the whole party, advance the new era of party construction, keep the party with the masses of the people of flesh and blood contact, to achieve the established goals, the party's 19th our party decided on the 70th anniversary of the founding of new China, the party in the 70th year of this important historical node to carry out the "don't forget the beginner's mind, keep in mind that the mission" subject education.

Starting from the end of May 2019, the education on the theme of "never forget the original intention, keep the mission in mind" will be divided into two batches, focusing on leading cadres at and above the county level. Through party organizations at all levels, party members and officials have been actively involved, the people have given enthusiastic support, and thematic education has achieved the desired goals and achieved significant results. Through thematic education, party organizations at all levels, as well as party members and officials, have learned and put into practice xi jinping thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era. Ideological and political baptism and temper, strengthen the original intention, the responsibility of the ideological consciousness and action consciousness; Our spirit of working hard, starting businesses and acting responsibly has been boosted, which has promoted reform, development and stability in all areas of work. Actively solve the most urgent and most anxious problems of the masses, strengthen the sense of purpose and feelings for the people; Carry out the education of honesty and integrity, and cultivate the political ecology; We focused on the rectification of prominent problems and eliminated factors that might undermine the party's foundation and hinder its cause. The effectiveness of thematic education has been fully recognized by the people and positively evaluated by both inside and outside the party. At present, the smooth development of the party and the country each enterprise can party-mass relationship between government officials and masses are increasingly close, the party's creativity, cohesion and combat effectiveness is significantly enhanced the party's solidarity and unity are more consolidated, an important reason is that our party to carry out "don't forget the beginner's mind, keep in mind that the mission" subject education, party organizations at all levels and the vast majority of party members and cadres to continuously enhance the consciousness of "four", firm "four confidence", "two maintenance".

Education on the theme of "never forget what we set out to do and never forget what we have set out to do" has helped promote unity of thought, political unity and unity in action among the whole party, and provided a strong ideological, political, organizational and style mobilization for the party to achieve the "four greats" and the "two centenary goals." Comrade xi jinping's important speech at the summing up of the congress is not only a profound summary of the education on the theme, but also a remobilization and redeclaration of the party's commitment to keep its mission in mind. "Xiongguan road really such as iron, and now take a step from the beginning". We should take this theme education as a new starting point, with rock-solid confidence, seize the day and seize the day, and indomitable perseverance, start a new journey that never forgets our original intention and keeps our mission in mind.

Taking this thematic education as a new starting point, we will continue to encourage the whole party to stay true to its original aspiration and mission

The party is the key to running China's affairs well. Today, the party is a party with over 90 million members and over 4.6 million primary-level party organizations. It has long been in power in a country with a population of 1.4 billion. It is a strong core of leadership for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Comrade xi jinping stressed: "the whole party should take this education on the theme as a new starting point, constantly deepen the party's self-revolution, and continue to push the whole party to stay true to what it set out to do and to its mission."

In the world today is undergoing great change from the one hundred, our country is in a critical period to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, our party is leading the people to great struggle that has many new historical characteristics and the situation of environmental change fast, reform, development and stability of heavy duty, contradiction of risk challenge, to test our party governing principle politics of an unprecedented. At the same time, under the conditions of long-term governance, various factors that weaken the party's advanced nature and undermine its purity are always present, and various dangers that violate its original intention and mission and undermine the party's foundation are everywhere. At the conclusion of the congress, comrade xi jinping pointed out the existing problems, mainly: some leading cadres' theoretical learning is not deep, not thorough, not systematic, learning and use of disconnection, the use of the party's innovation theory to promote the work of insufficient ability; Some problems have not been rectified, and some deep-seated problems have not been fundamentally solved. Some community-level party organizations are still weak, and the mechanism for contacting and serving party members and the masses is not sound enough. In some places, there is still formalism, bureaucracy, eagerness for success and quick success, increasing the burden on the grassroots, and so on. Therefore, the self-revolution of the party still has a long way to go. We must never stop or rest for a while.

Comrade xi jinping has stressed, "to stay true to our original aspiration and keep our mission in mind is, in the final analysis, a question of who we are and on whom we depend. To take the hearts of the people as the heart, to share the same breath and destiny with the people and to be heart to heart is the party's original aspiration and also its perseverance." The people's support and support is the fundamental reason why our party has won one victory after another. Our party comes from the people, lives for the people, and thrives on the people. Since the 18th national congress of the communist party of China (CPC), the historic achievements and changes in the cause of the party and the country cannot be separated from the courage of our party to carry out self-revolution and comprehensively exercise strict governance over the party. It is precisely because we have the courage to carry out our own revolution and comprehensively govern the party with strict discipline that our party has been able to stay true to what it set out to do and to its mission, thus winning the sincere support and strong support of the people. Do not forget the beginning of the mind can be stable, remember the mission to open up the future. We need to strengthen the foundation of faith, replenish the foundation of the spirit, keep the rudder of the mind steady, let the light of faith illuminate the way forward, strengthen the strength of the spirit, and guide the way forward with the rudder of the mind. As a century-old major party, only by making sustained efforts to stay true to what we set out to do and keep our mission in mind can we continue to deepen our self-revolution and work with the people to achieve the great cause of the Chinese nation.

To keep in mind our original intention and our mission as an eternal task for party building and a lifelong task for all party members and cadres

In his important speech at the summing up of the congress, comrade xi jinping stressed: "we must never forget what we set out to do and keep our mission in mind as an eternal task for party building and a lifelong task for all party members and cadres." Keep in mind that your mission is not complete but ongoing. We should consolidate and expand our achievements on the basis of an in-depth review of our successful experience in thematic education, keep our strength and energy strong, and keep the whole party committed to our mission.

As comrade xi jinping pointed out, "the most precious thing for a person or a political party is to have gone through many vicissitudes without changing one's original intention. "Remember the original intention, remember the mission is not for a while, but for a lifetime." The fundamental reason why our party has grown from a weak force to a strong one, from a small one to a large one, and stayed in power in China for a long time is that we never forgot what we set out to do and kept our mission in mind. If it deviates from its original purpose and mission, the party will change its nature and color, lose its people and its future. In reality, the reason why some party members and cadres devote themselves to the cause of the party and the people and make significant contributions is that they never forget their original intention and keep their mission in mind. The reason why some party members and cadres fall into the trap of violating discipline and law is that they have essentially abandoned their original intention and mission. That is why we must make it an eternal task to strengthen party building and a lifelong task for all party members and cadres to keep in mind our original intention and our mission. Since it is an eternal subject and a lifelong subject, we must constantly focus on, adhere to the daily, grasp in the regular, to prevent and overcome the tight and loose, superficial formalization and other phenomena. Through often grasp habit, through patience grasp long - term, through careful grasp actual effect.

To make it an eternal task to strengthen party building and a lifelong task for all party members and cadres, we must work hard on the system. Comrade xi jinping stressed, "we must never forget what we set out to do and keep our mission in mind. We must improve and develop the inner-party system and form a long-term mechanism." The decision of the fourth plenary session of the 19th central committee of the communist party of China (CPC) put forward the idea of "establishing a system of keeping in mind our original intention and our mission". Must go down to the summary in the theme education successful experiences and practices on the basis of developing and perfecting the party system, adhere to and perfect the system of studying the party constitution, to observe the party constitution, strict "three will be a class" system, democratic life system, organizing system of life, dual organization life system, party member the leading cadre party spirit analysis system, the party members' democratic appraisal system and so on system of the party's political life. In order to establish rules and systems, we need to think in a systematic, dialectical and bottom-line way, and show guidance, pertinency and operability. The establishment of a system, can not be large and complete, can not be small and broken, can not "cattle and cats" can not be too complicated. At the same time, we need to improve the authoritative and efficient system implementation mechanism, strengthen oversight over the implementation of the system, and promote the implementation of the system that keeps in mind what we set out to do and what we set out to do.

Source: People's Daily