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Shi wei: use the system to promote the construction of grassroots party organizations

A few days ago, the political bureau of the CPC central committee held a meeting to review the regulations on the work of primary-level organizations of CPC party and state organs and the regulations on the work of primary-level organizations of CPC state-owned enterprises (for trial implementation). In study and implement the party's 19 the fourth plenary session of the spirit is to deepen constantly, the central review these two inner-party laws and regulations, with the system, using system gauge, already echo the new historical conditions the situation of the further development of comprehensive governing party requirements, and implement the 19th the fourth plenary session of the deployment on deepening the reform of the system of party construction task, has important political significance.

The two central party regulations share a key word, that is, the primary party organization. The regulations on the work of primary-level party and state organs of the communist party of China (CPC) aims at improving the quality of the work of primary-level party organizations in party and state organs and strengthening the system of primary-level party organizations in party and state organs through institutional means. The regulations on the work of primary-level party organizations of state-owned enterprises of the communist party of China (for trial implementation) aims at upholding and strengthening the party's overall leadership over state-owned enterprises, improving the quality of party building in state-owned enterprises, and enhancing the political functions and organizational strength of primary-level party organizations of state-owned enterprises with institutions, with the aim of turning primary-level party organizations into strong battle-forts.

Primary party organizations are the basis for ensuring the implementation of the party's line, principles, policies, decisions and arrangements. Over the past 98 years, our party has grown from small to large, from weak to strong, and led the Chinese people from victory to victory in the course of revolution, development and reform. This is inseparable from the fact that the party has always attached great importance to strengthening its own development, and has always attached great importance to the work of strengthening the foundation at the community level. Since the 18th national congress of the CPC, the CPC central committee with comrade xi jinping at its core has attached great importance to the building of primary-level party organizations. General secretary xi jinping has issued a series of important statements and made a series of important instructions on the construction of primary-level party organizations. General secretary xi jinping has stressed that "no matter how the situation changes, we should never lose the principle of relying on and strengthening the grassroots."

These two laws and regulations carry forward the party's fine tradition of attaching great importance to party building at the grassroots level. From the perspective of the state governance structure, party and state organs at all levels play an important role and shoulder heavy responsibilities. State-owned enterprises (soes) are the important material and political foundation of socialism with Chinese characteristics, as well as an important pillar for the party to govern and rejuvenate the country. The two grass-roots party organizations and cadres and the masses of the most direct contact, contact the most close, exchange the most extensive. It is very necessary to strengthen the construction of the primary party organizations with the system, and make clear the basic positioning, working principles, organizational setup, duty requirements, team building and a series of other important contents.

On the one hand, the key to strengthening the party's grass-roots organization system in government organs is to promote the in-depth integration and mutual promotion of the party construction work and business work in government organs, so as to enhance the pertinence and effectiveness of the party construction work. We should promote the standardization and standardization of party branches, strictly educate and manage party members, and guide and encourage party members and cadres in government organs to make contributions to their posts. We should strengthen the day-to-day supervision of party organizations at the primary level of government organs and guide party members and cadres to perform their duties, exercise their power and carry out their work in strict accordance with the system. Each party building main body must cooperate closely, implements the party building work responsibility of the organ in an all-round way, forms to grasp the party building work the joint force, gives play to the branch manages to the head characteristic, the strict party member education management supervision, implements "three meets one lesson" and so on the system, controls the party member well, lets the organ party branch truly strong.

On the other hand, we should strengthen the party's overall leadership over soes, ensure the leading position of party organizations in soes organizationally, institutionally and institutionally, and give full play to the leading role of enterprise party committees (leading party groups) in directing, managing and ensuring the implementation of the overall situation. To adhere to the direction of reform of modern enterprise system with Chinese characteristics, to strengthen the party's unified leadership and improve the corporate governance, the party's leadership in every link of corporate governance, the party organization is embedded into the corporate governance structure, clear and carry out the party organization in the legal position in the corporate governance structure, to ensure that the state-owned enterprises of the party committee (party) organization, institutionalization, embodiment of leadership role to play. We will continue to strengthen the party organizations at the primary level of state-owned enterprises, and ensure that party building is carried out wherever the enterprises develop, and that party branches play a role as a bulwark to ensure that they become stronger, better, and bigger.

"If you want to build a room, treat its foundation first." For a party with more than 4.6 million grassroots organizations and more than 90 million members, it is essential to consolidate its base. We believe that the two central party regulations will be announced before the Chinese communist party branch work regulations (try out) "the communist party of China rural grassroots organization regulations such as the party party cooperate together, in the party and state organs, state-owned enterprises and the rural in key areas such as making a combination of grass-roots party construction, form a comprehensive standard basic-level party organization activities of the system combination, to uphold and improve the party's leadership system, improve the scientific ruling, democratic ruling, ruling in accordance with the level to provide powerful guarantee.

Source: theoretical network