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Promote party building through thematic education

Comrade xi jinping pointed out at the conference on education work under the theme of "keeping in mind our original aspiration and keeping in mind our mission" that this year marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and the 70th year of the ruling of the CPC. We should deeply understand the significance of the theme education, should move, take advantage of the situation, to ensure that the theme education achieved solid results, through the theme education to effectively promote the party building.

Over the past 70 years since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, our party has united and led the people of all ethnic groups in their unremitting efforts and made remarkable achievements. The fundamental reason why new China has made such remarkable achievements in the past 70 years lies in generations of Chinese communists' adherence to and practice of their original aspiration and mission of seeking happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the founding of new China, we have every reason to be proud and confident of the historic achievements of our party. But we also need to be soberly aware that we still face various difficulties and obstacles on the way forward. Party members and cadres must not and should not be complacent in the slightest.

Education on the theme of "keeping one's heart in the beginning and one's mission in mind" will help party members and cadres stay clear-headed and clear about their goals in the great journey of the new era. Our party has been in power for 70 years. It has worked for the happiness of the Chinese people and the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Our party has always taken realizing, safeguarding and developing the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people as the starting point and ultimate goal of all its work, and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation as its goal. "Don't forget the beginner's mind, keep in mind that the mission" subject education, is conducive to the broad masses of party members and cadres in the applause, dearest keep a clear mind, time does not forget our party from the people, the people, serve people, grounding moment does not forget our party from the date of the establishment of went ahead to shoulder the historical mission of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

By carrying out education under the theme of "keeping one's heart in the beginning and one's mission in mind", party members and cadres can overcome all difficulties and obstacles on the road of progress with their perseverance and selfless and fearless courage. At present, we are closer, more confident and capable than ever before to realize the goal of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. However, we are faced with unprecedented risks and challenges. The "four major tests" facing our party are long-term and complex, and the "four dangers" facing our party are acute and severe. Internationally, the world today is undergoing major changes unseen in a century. The world is changing in unpredictable ways and undercurrents are surging. Economic protectionism, political populism and cultural conflict are rampant. Faced with all kinds of risks and challenges, only by keeping in mind the original intention and keeping in mind the mission, can party members and cadres meet new risks and overcome new challenges with the attitude of striving for every day and every day and the fighting spirit of moving forward with more difficulties and risks.

To carry out education on the theme of "keeping one's heart in the first place and keeping one's mission in mind", we should act in response to the current situation. Since the 18th national congress of the communist party of China (CPC), the CPC central committee with comrade xi jinping at its core has insisted that the party exercise strict governance over all aspects of the party, be problem-oriented, and focus on addressing prominent problems within the party. Carrying out education under the theme of "never forget the original intention and keep the mission in mind" continues the good momentum of comprehensively governing the party with strict discipline, which is an urgent need to promote party building in the new era, and fully demonstrates the firm determination that comprehensively governing the party with strict discipline is always on the way. In this thematic education, we must run to the problem, with the courage to heal wounds and the tenacity to correct the existing problems within the party, so that the party members and cadres will never forget their original intention and bear in mind their mission, and strive to build our party stronger and more powerful.

Source: theory web