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The historical logic of seeking the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation

History is the best textbook. The great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is directly related to the law and trend of world economic and social development since modern times and is an important link in the whole process of world history. The mission of the communist party of China should be examined and grasped in the overall process of world history, the historical context of its development and evolution should be thoroughly understood, the historical inevitability and scientific truth should be deeply understood, and the new journey of seeking happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation of the Chinese nation should be kept moving forward.

To realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is the greatest dream of the Chinese nation since modern times. Once the communist party of China (CPC) was founded, it was duty-bound to shoulder the historical mission of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Throughout history, the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is directly related to the laws and trends of world economic and social development since modern times, and is an important link in the overall process of world history. General secretary xi jinping has stressed that history is the best textbook. We can only stand on the position of historical materialism, put the mission of the communist party of China in the history of the world to look at the overall process, in-depth understanding of the history of its development evolution, the deep understanding of its historical inevitability and scientific attributed, to always "do not forget to beginner's mind, keep in mind that the mission", seeks happiness for Chinese people, for the Chinese nation to revive the new journey to go on.

To realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is the inevitable logic for the advancement of world history

Historical materialism thinks that "world history" is not the product of a subjective, not the beginning of history sense phenomenon, is not a simple mechanical addition of world history, but particular nationalities and countries on the basis of the productivity development, through the general contact, break their isolation from the closed state, and interdependence, mutual influence, and make the world contact form a organic whole of a new historical stage. On the basis of criticizing and inheriting the traditional world history thought represented by Hegel, Marx created a new world history theory, materialist dialectically pointed out that the transformation from history to world history is a complicated and inevitable process, and the fundamental reason lies in the development of productive forces and the universal development of world communication. However, the transformation from history to world history is not a single linear process but an interactive process, and the regional events of some nations and countries have the world historical significance since then. In particular, China was forced into the process of world history from the national history of independent narration, and was inevitably "brought to the eve of a social change which is bound to produce extremely important results for civilization". From then on, China embarked on the journey of rejuvenation of unyielding resistance and rebirth.

While the capitalist forces opened the door of China with guns and guns and the Chinese people embarked on the road of anti-imperialist and anti-feudal struggle, Marx and Engels paid close attention to the changes and development of China and always studied it in the context of world history. Marx and Engels believed that the brutal brutality and aggressive nature of the western powers would inevitably lead to the complex and sharp internal and external economic and social contradictions in the "living fossil" of China, thus bringing about a large-scale revolution. They deeply sympathized with the sufferings of the Chinese people and supported their struggle, and predicted that the Chinese revolution would have an impact on Europe and even the world, and that the Chinese nation would rise again in the east. "The Chinese revolution will throw a spark on the well-armed landmine of today's industrial system, setting off a long-simmering general crisis that will be followed by a political revolution in continental Europe as soon as it spreads abroad." "In a few years, we will witness the dying struggle of the world's oldest empire and the dawn of a new century for all of Asia." Indeed, no other nation in the world, like the Chinese nation, has drawn such a sharp historical contrast between its brilliant achievements and the untold sufferings it has endured. There is no other nation in the world, like the Chinese nation, with such a strong and urgent dream of rejuvenation. In the midst of internal and external troubles, the ancient Chinese nation issued an unyielding cry to the world, and countless people with lofty ideals embarked on a journey full of frustrations and bloody struggles. Who can shoulder the great mission of national rejuvenation? History will surely give the right answer.

Seeking rejuvenation for the Chinese nation is the inevitable logic of Chinese history since modern times

Where is the road to the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation? From the westernization movement, the reform movement of 1898, to the revolution of 1911, China struggled and failed again and again. The way of learning from the west did not work. On the contrary, Mr. A was always invading the students, which dealt a heavy blow to the people who were full of expectations for the bourgeois democratic revolution. Historical materialism holds that not all countries can embark on the path of socialism until they have experienced the stage of full development of capitalism. The October revolution has brought the Chinese people a new dawn of the proletarian revolution and a new hope for national liberation after a long night of hardship: it is the proletariat and marxism-leninism, not the bourgeoisie and bourgeois thought, that will determine the destiny of China. Once marxism-leninism was combined with the Chinese workers' movement, the communist party of China came into being. This epoch-making event profoundly changed the direction and course of the development of the Chinese nation in modern times, the future and destiny of the Chinese people and nation, and the trend and pattern of world development. History has proved eloquently that the CPC has become the core force leading the Chinese people to seek national rejuvenation, which is neither born nor appointed by anyone, but the inevitable conclusion of the progress of Chinese history since modern times.

No other political party in the world, like the communist party of China, has made such tremendous and tragic sacrifices and gone through such arduous struggles for the country and the nation. Over the past 97 years since its founding, the communist party of China (CPC) has turned passivity into initiative, pressure into driving force, and desperate situation into brightness.

Each generation has its own destiny. Since the 18th national congress of the communist party of China (CPC), the CPC central committee with comrade xi jinping at the core has undertaken the historic mission of realizing the Chinese dream of great national rejuvenation, made historic achievements in reform, opening up and socialist modernization, and opened up new prospects for the development of the cause of the party and the country in an all-round way. The 19th national congress of the communist party of China made a profound statement on the historical mission of the CPC in the new era, making it clear that to realize the great dream, we must carry out a great struggle, build a great project and advance a great cause. Today's China, with a high degree of confidence in its path, theory, system and culture, has created an earthshaking miracle of development in the history of human development. As general secretary xi jinping has pointed out, "in today's world, if any political party, country or nation can be confident, then the communist party of China, the People's Republic of China and the Chinese nation have the most reason to be confident." Today, we are closer, more confident and able than at any time in history to achieve the goal of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. From being forced to become involved in the course of world history, to opening the door to the world, to approaching the center of the world stage, the ancient Oriental power has experienced a decline and a boom over the past 170 years, which has not only ushered in a bright prospect of national rejuvenation, but also pointed out a new direction for the development of all mankind.

It is the inevitable logic of contemporary history to promote the cause of human progress by national rejuvenation

The wheels of history are rolling forward, and the tide of The Times is surging forward. The world today is undergoing a new round of major development, major changes and major adjustments. Political multi-polarity, economic globalization, social informatization and cultural diversity have brought countries closer together. From the perspective of grand historical materialism, the world as a whole is still in the process of "transformation from history to world history", which is the extension and deepening from closed, regional and national history to open, global and universal world history.

In this process, the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has never been about "living in isolation from the modern world". The Chinese civilization has always upheld the "view of the world" and "harmony in culture." the Chinese people, who have come through hardships, are ready to work with people of other countries to build their own homeland. As early as 1921, MAO zedong pointed out: "China's problem is originally the world's problem, but China's reform does not focus on the world's reform, the reform must be narrow, will hinder the world. At the beginning of the founding of new China, he proposed that "China should make greater contributions to mankind". Since then, generation after generation of Chinese communists have set up their own people, set up their own dada people and followed the trend of The Times. They have always closely linked China's development with the destiny of mankind and carried out their mission of seeking happiness for the people, rejuvenation for the nation and great harmony for the world.

As mankind becomes more and more a community of Shared future, the trend of peace, development and win-win cooperation is unstoppable and moving forward. Xi general secretary from going along with the historical tide and enhance human well-being, to the historical trend of the keen insight and profound vision of the world, stand in the history, philosophy, the height of the mankind put forward suggestion to the construction of a community of human destiny, get more and more countries and people welcome and recognition, and was written into the UN important documents. Build a community of human destiny is the result of the logic of the marxist theory itself, is also the result of the practice logic of the development of human society, reflected the historical development trend, to provide creative solving global problems pointed out the direction, the path, underscored the communist party of China to human society bear greater responsibility, condensing the greatest common divisor of countries all over the world people's interests, to promote the lofty cause of human peace and development has important significance in the history of the world. Unprecedented world in the face of such a historic cause, must be fully aware that any attempt to block buck behavior are mean overrating oneself, take together, help each other and work together is the right path selection. As general secretary xi jinping has pointed out, "to rejuvenate a country or a nation, we must advance in the logic of historical progress and in the trend of The Times". Although has been through thousands of rivers and mountains, still need to continue to trek. Standing at a new historical starting point, the Chinese people are ready to work with the people of other countries, and the communist party of China is ready to work with political parties of other countries to grasp the laws of history, recognize the general trend of the world, promote the building of a community of Shared future for mankind, and create an even better future in our common endeavor to realize the Chinese dream and the world dream.

Source: study times