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President xi jinping delivered an important speech at a grand conference in Beijing to mark the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up

Beijing, Dec. 18 (xinhua) -- a general assembly to celebrate the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up was held in the great hall of the people in Beijing on Monday morning. Xi jinping, general secretary of the CPC central committee, President of the state council and chairman of the central military commission, delivered an important speech at the conference.

Xi stressed that 40 years of practice has fully proved that the path, theory, system and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics, which the party has united and led the people of all ethnic groups in opening up since the third plenary session of the eleventh central committee of the communist party of China (CPC) is completely correct, and the basic theory, line and strategy of the party formed are completely correct.

Xi stressed that China's development over the past 40 years has fully proved that China's development has provided successful experience and bright prospects for other developing countries to modernize. It is a powerful force for world peace and development and a major contribution made by the Chinese nation to the progress of human civilization.

Xi stressed that 40 years fully proved that the practice of reform and opening up is the party and the people catching the important magic weapon of The Times, is the only way to adhere to and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics, is the key to the fate of contemporary China, and decide to implement the "two" one hundred goals, the key to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Li keqiang, li zhanshu, wang Yang, wang huning, zhao leji, han zheng and wang qishan attended the conference.

The great hall of the people is grand and solemn. The national emblem of the People's Republic of China and the Chinese character "1978-2018" are in the middle of the rear curtain.

When xi jinping and other leading comrades entered the meeting, the audience stood up and applauded warmly.

At 10 o 'clock, li keqiang announced the start of the celebration. All rise and sing the national anthem.

Wang huning read out the "decision of the CPC central committee and the state council on the recognition of outstanding contributions to reform and opening up". The decision points out that the CPC central committee and the state council have decided to award yu min and other 100 comrades the title of pioneers in reform and award MEDALS for pioneers in reform. To thank the international community for its support and assistance to China's reform and opening up, Alan merier and 10 other international friends were presented with the China friendship medal for reform. The conference read out the list of personnel who were awarded the title of pioneer of reform and the China reform friendship medal.

In the music of "story of spring", xi jinping and other representatives awarded the title of pioneer of reform and China reform friendship medal.

All of us stood up and applauded warmly to express our heartfelt congratulations and high respect to those honored. The young pioneers presented them with beautiful flowers.

Amid warm applause, xi jinping delivered an important speech. He stressed that the party's historic decision to implement reform and opening up is based on its profound grasp of the future and destiny of the party and the country, on its profound summary of socialist revolution and construction practices, on its profound insight into the trends of The Times, and on its profound understanding of the expectations and needs of the people. Reform and opening up is a great awakening of our party. It is this great awakening that gave birth to the great creation of our party from theory to practice. Reform and opening up was the last great revolution in the history of the Chinese people and nation. It was this great revolution that promoted the great leap forward in the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Xi jinping pointed out that the founding of the communist party of China, the founding of the People's Republic of China, the promotion of reform and opening up and the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics are the three historical events that have taken place in China since the may fourth movement and the three milestones of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation since modern times. The Chinese communists, with comrade MAO zedong as their main representative, completed the new democratic revolution and established the People's Republic of China, laying the fundamental political premise and institutional foundation for all development and progress in contemporary China. The Chinese communists, with comrade deng xiaoping as their principal representative, made the historic decision of shifting the focus of the work of the party and state to economic development and carrying out reform and opening up, and successfully created socialism with Chinese characteristics. The CPC, with comrade jiang zemin as its chief representative, has set the goal and basic framework for the reform of the socialist market economy, opened up a new stage of comprehensive reform and opening up, and successfully pushed socialism with Chinese characteristics into the 21st century. The Chinese communists, with comrade hu jintao as their main representative, have stressed the importance of putting people first, pursuing comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development, advancing the party's governance capacity and advanced nature, and successfully upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics at a new historical starting point.

Xi stressed that since the eighteenth congress, the CPC central committee united CPC led the Chinese people of all ethnic groups, and comprehensively review the international and domestic new situation, by summing up the practice, looking to the future, deep answered the new era of what kind of upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics, how to adhere to and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics the significant contemporary issues, formed a new era of Chinese characteristic socialism, adhere to the overall layout, plan as a whole to promote "five one" coordination advances the strategy of "four comprehensive" layout, insist on maintaining stability work always tone, aspects of the party and state work put forward a series of new ideas, new ideas new strategy, We brought about historic changes and achievements in the cause of the party and state and ushered in a new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Xi jinping pointed out that difficulties and hardships, yu ruyu cheng. Over the past 40 years, we have emancipated our minds, sought truth from facts, boldly tried and changed, and created a new world. In 40 years of reform and opening-up, from open to entering the new century, in the new period from the website to enter the new era, a new starting point of thin 40 years, 40 years, inner challenge 40 years endeavor, our party led the people makes a spectacular picture, magnificent historical picture scroll, written a song grows, heroic struggle.

Xi jinping summed up the great achievements of reform and opening up in terms of theoretical innovation, economic development, political development, cultural development, social development, ecological progress, national defense and military development, national reunification, diplomatic work and party building. He stressed that the achievements of the past 40 years have not come from heaven, nor have they been given to charity by others. It took us decades to complete the industrialization that developed countries have gone through in the past centuries. In the hands of the Chinese people, the impossible is possible. We are extremely proud of the Chinese people who have worked wonders on earth.

Xi jinping pointed out that the valuable experience accumulated in the past 40 years of reform and opening up is the spiritual wealth of the party and the people, which is of great guiding significance to upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era. First, we must uphold the party's leadership in all our work, constantly strengthen and improve the party's leadership, strengthen the "four consciousness" and "four self-confidence", resolutely uphold the authority and centralized and unified leadership of the CPC central committee, and ensure that reform and opening up are sailing on the right course and through the waves. Second, we must continue to put the people at the center of our work, constantly realize their aspirations for a better life, follow the people's will, respect the people's will, pay close attention to the people's conditions, and work hard to improve people's lives. Third, we must uphold the guiding role of marxism, constantly promote theoretical innovation on the basis of practice, timely answer the questions of The Times and the people, and constantly open up new horizons for the development of marxism. Fourth, we must follow the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, continue to uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics, and firmly grasp the direction of reform and opening up. Fifth, we must continue to improve and develop the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, give full play to and strengthen China's institutional advantages, and make the system more mature and established. Sixth, we must give top priority to development, constantly enhance China's overall national strength, promote sustained and sound economic and social development, and lay a solid material foundation for upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Seventh, we must open wider to the outside world, continue to build a community of Shared future for mankind, hold high the banner of peace, development, cooperation and win-win outcomes, uphold international equity and justice, advocate democracy in international relations, take an active part in the reform and development of the global governance system, and promote trade and investment liberalization and facilitation. Eighth, we must strictly govern the party in an all-round way, constantly improve its creativity, cohesion and combat effectiveness, constantly enhance its political leadership, ideological leadership, mass organization and social appeal, resolutely eliminate all corrupt elements, and ensure that the party maintains close ties with the people. Ninth, we must adhere to dialectical materialism and historical materialism in the world outlook and methodology, adhere to the problem-oriented approach, and properly handle the relationship between reform, development and stability.

Xi stressed that we will fully implement the party's new era of weaponary ideas, adhere to the party's absolute leadership over the military, and adhere to the road of the army with Chinese characteristics, deepening the reform of national defense and the army in the round, can build a listening party command, victories and a fine style of the people's army, strive to build a world class forces, to safeguard national sovereignty, security and development interests, to safeguard world peace and stability, in order to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation strong backing.

Xi jinping pointed out that accurate we will fully implement the "one country, two systems", "Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong", "hands Macao", the principle of a high degree of autonomy, strictly in accordance with the constitution and the basic law, support and promote Hong Kong and Macao into the nation's overall development, better make Hong Kong and Macao compatriots with the motherland people share the historical responsibility of national rejuvenation, sharing the great glory of the motherland prosperous and strong. The complete reunification of the motherland is the common aspiration of all Chinese people and the fundamental interest of the Chinese nation. We should adhere to the one-china principle and the 1992 consensus, consolidate and develop the basis for peaceful development of cross-straits relations, deepen cross-straits economic and cultural exchanges and cooperation, and bring benefits to compatriots on both sides of the straits.

Xi stressed that a great dream is not something you can wait for or shout out, but something you can spell out and do. We are now in a time when the boat is in the middle of nowhere and the road is steeper. We are in a time when it becomes more difficult and more dangerous to advance, but if we do not advance, we will retreat and have to advance. Reform and opening up have come a long way, but we still need to travel far and wide. The tasks facing the whole party and the people of all ethnic groups in China are more glorious, more arduous, more challenging and greater. In this era, when thousands of ships compete and hundreds of ships compete, we should never be conceited or complacent.

Xi pointed out that in the long course of history since modern times, the Chinese people have gone through too many hardships, sacrificed too much and fought too hard. Now, the powerful energy accumulated by the Chinese people and the Chinese nation in the course of history has been fully unleashed, providing an overwhelming force for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The party the Chinese people of all ethnic groups will unite more closely around the party central committee, holding the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, don't forget to beginner's mind, keep in mind the mission, will through the reform and opening to the outside world, to realize people's yearning for a better life constantly, create new bigger miracle of the Chinese nation in new era, let the world sit up and take notice of the new wonders.

Li presided over the conference, said the xi general secretary's important speech, profoundly summed up the reform and opening up for 40 years the great achievements of the party and national undertaking and the precious experience, full of praise for the Chinese people for outstanding contributions to the cause of reform and opening up, solemnly declared the reform and opening up only for there is no complete, always on the road of reform and opening-up, firm will reform the confidence and determination, to articulate the firm overall deepening reform, expanding opening to the outside world, the new era of reform and opening up to continue to push forward the goals and objectives. Let us unite more closely around the party central committee with comrade xi as the core, holding the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, do not forget to beginner's mind, keep in mind the mission, the continuous deepening of reform and opening up, in order to realize "two one hundred" goal, beautifully built rich and powerful democratic civilization harmonious socialism modernization power, realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation the Chinese dream, for the maintenance of world peace and promote common development, promote to build human destiny community and make unremitting struggle.

After the celebration, xi jinping and other officials met with those honored and their relatives and took photos with them.

Members of the political bureau of the CPC central committee, secretary of the central secretariat, vice-chairman of the standing committee of the National People's Congress, state councilor, President of the supreme people's court, procurator-general of the supreme people's procuratorate, vice-chairman of the CPPCC national committee and members of the central military commission attended the congress in Beijing.

The central communist party group of each department, and Beijing is mainly responsible for comrades all democratic parties, head of the central committee and the national federation of industry and commerce and independents, whole, representatives of retired veteran cadres, outstanding contribution to the reform and opening all the staff and representatives of relatives, Hong Kong and Macao compatriots, the Taiwan compatriots, overseas Chinese and returned overseas Chinese and the family members of overseas Chinese representative, representatives of people from all walks of life in the capital, representatives of the people's liberation army and armed police forces, the foreign envoys, each international organization representative in China and foreign experts working in China on behalf of about 3000 people to participate in the meeting.

Source: people.com.cn