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The important origin of the thought of strict party governing

The good or bad party spirit decides the direction of the people and the fate of the party

The heart of man is the greatest of politics. In his speech, xi first elaborated on the significance of improving party conduct from a historical and realistic perspective. In his view, the ruling party's style of party life and death is "not only proved by historical experience, but also proved by numerous facts". The quality of the party spirit decides the opposition of the people; The turn of the heart decides the fate of socialist construction and that of the party. Therefore, "the fundamental improvement of the party spirit is the fundamental guarantee for the realization of the four modernizations and the smooth reform". This recognition highlights xi's keen political vision and profound historical insight. Since the 18th national congress of the communist party of China (CPC), the CPC central committee with comrade xi jinping as the core has adhered to the principle of "turning people's hearts to their backs", adhered to the spirit of implementing the eight-point provisions of the CPC central committee, adhered to integrity and discipline, kept close ties between the party and the masses of the people, and continuously strengthened the party's ruling foundation.

The root of party spirit is lack of belief

The revolutionary ideal is higher than the sky. Xi said that the essence of the party's indecency stems from extreme individualism, "forgetting the lofty ideal of communism and the fundamental purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly", and that the root of the problem lies in not firmly establishing the world outlook of striving for communism. Therefore, we should carry out the party discipline education for party members, "through education, enable the broad party members to enhance the communist consciousness, firm the ideal belief, and enhance the self-consciousness of implementing the party's line, principles and policies". He also demanded that both positive and negative cases should be selected, and cases of discipline violation should be handled with great fanfare, giving full play to the role of negative teachers. Since the 18th national congress of the communist party of China, general secretary xi jinping has repeatedly stressed that if the ideal and belief are firm, the bones will be hard. Without the ideal and belief, or the ideal and belief are not firm, the spirit will be "short of calcium" and will get "rickets", which may lead to political deterioration, economic greed, moral depravity and life corruption. He asks clearly, regard as the primary task of party thought construction firm ideal faith. These discussions show the importance of strengthening the ideological construction of the party, which is an accurate grasp and application of the rule of governing the party. Firm ideal conviction, hold to communist spirit to pursue, it is the fundamental that communist party member is settled from beginning to end.

The party must lead and take responsibility for the rectification of party conduct and party discipline

Behind the unhealthy tendencies and corruption, the party has lost control of the party to loose and soft, the party's concept of indifference, poor organization and slack discipline. Xi jinping, rectify the party spirit, serious discipline, is by no means a department can bear up, party organizations at all levels responsible leadership, the party began to grasp, grasp the head, head, scratching, first class level, "only the secretary of the lead, determination, its clear, dare to grasp, not afraid of hard, dare to face difficult problems, to drive the team attaches great importance to the party committee; Only when the party committee attaches great importance to it can we realize the party spirit. Since the 18th national congress of the communist party of China (CPC), general secretary xi jinping has deeply summarized the experience of strictly governing the party in an all-round way, and clearly put forward that the whole party must take action to build a clean government and fight against corruption. The party committee should bear the main responsibility for implementing the responsibility system for building a clean government and the principal person in charge of the party committee should be the first responsible person. One - level grip, one - level conduction pressure. These important thoughts, which are in the same line and keep pace with The Times, have captured the "cow nose" of the party's work of building a clean government and fighting against corruption. Only party organizations at all levels and all party members can strengthen the party's concept and shoulder the political responsibility of governing the party, so as to push the party to be strict in an all-round way.

We should combine investigation and handling of cases with rectification of party conduct

The work of discipline inspection is a serious political task, which must be grasped from the perspective of politics and the overall situation. Xi jinping has pointed out that we should pay attention to combining the investigation of cases and the rectification of party conduct with the investigation of cadres and the rectification of leading bodies. To party members and cadres who are guilty of injustice, we must adhere to the principle of "learning from past mistakes to avoid future dangers and heal the sick" and "making clear our thinking while uniting our comrades". These important statements reflect the overall situation awareness and dialectical thinking, and fully grasp the relationship between "trees" and "forests", which is conducive to curing "disease trees", plucking "rotten trees" and protecting "forests", and realizing the fundamental improvement of party style. Since the eighteenth congress, the party central committee with comrade xi as the core, insist on the true tube strict, dare to dare tube, long length of yan yan, implement "curing and treating patients" consistent policy, practice, supervision and enforcement "four kinds of form", strive to build from corruption, not corruption, don't want to rot system mechanism, prevent cadres out of the question to the greatest extent, the highest degree of stimulate cadres, party politics has been purified. Promote the further development of comprehensive governing party, to combine with sympathetic and the deep affection, incentive and constraint, both for inaction, as cadres dare to strong-arm reaction, and stand up for the bear to take on responsibilities of cadres, and truly reflect the care of party organization of party members and cadres, ji method of implementation constraints have hardness, criticism, education has strength, organization care has a temperature.

The first priority of discipline inspection is to grasp political discipline

Political discipline is the most important, fundamental and crucial discipline. "We must have a clear understanding that political discipline should be given top priority in discipline inspection," xi said in a clear statement. "" serious party discipline and the examination of political discipline must be given top priority." " "Party organizations at all levels and all party members must follow the party constitution and follow the decisions of the higher party organizations in all actions, especially with the party central committee to maintain political unity." Since the 18th national congress of the communist party of China (CPC), general secretary xi jinping has further pointed out, from the perspective of the overall situation of the party and the country, that to strictly enforce party discipline is, above all, political discipline. To observe the party's political discipline, the most essential thing is to uphold the party's leadership, uphold the party's basic theory, line and strategy, maintain a high degree of unity with the central committee, and firmly uphold the authority of the central committee and centralized and unified leadership. For discipline inspection and supervision in the new era, the most important thing is to implement the fundamental political task of maintaining the core status of general secretary xi jinping, the authority of the CPC central committee and centralized and unified leadership. This is also the essence and soul of discipline inspection and supervision in the new era.

Organize the discipline inspection and build up the team

The disciplinarian must first observe the discipline, and the disciplinarian must first discipline himself. Xi attaches great importance to discipline inspection organization and team building, and believes that to do well in party conduct, a strong and combative discipline inspection team is necessary. He hoped eagerly that discipline inspection cadres would dare to adhere to principles and fight, and truly become a strong soldier defending the purity of the party, and become a "doctor" and "nurse" who "heal and save people". He also asked party committees at all levels to support the work of discipline inspection cadres, "" give them support, help them improve their level of thinking, and remove obstacles in their work" ". Since the eighteenth congress, xi jinping, general secretary, as always, concerned about discipline inspection organs and team construction, he asked the discipline inspection organs at all levels and the vast number of cadres of discipline inspection to demand higher standards and more strict discipline, build a loyal, clean, act as a team, to ensure that with the authority of the party and the people not be abused, encouraging people to the sword will never be tarnished. Iron must itself be hard. In the new era, discipline inspection and supervision organs and cadres should be self-consciously loyal to the party, and ensure that they are strong in politics, strong in ability, well in performing their duties, have a good work style, and are themselves clean, so as to be loyal guardians of the party and the people.

Source: study times