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Strive to write a new chapter of green development in the new era

Promoting green development can achieve the deep integration of environmental protection and economic development. It is the "golden key" to solve ecological and development problems and promote high-quality economic development. We will study and implement xi jinping's thought on ecological civilization, actively follow the path of civilized development featuring development of production, affluence of life and sound ecology, and strive to write a new chapter in the building of a beautiful China in the new era.

General secretary xi jinping stressed the importance of promoting green development in an all-round way at the national conference on ecological and environmental protection. Qinghai's ecological status is very important, with its natural advantages and natural resources endowment for green development. Meanwhile, its insufficient development is still the main contradiction. Promoting green development, which effectively integrates environmental protection and economic development, is the "golden key" to solving ecological and development problems and promoting high-quality economic development. In recent years, the idea of "four", in-depth study and implement the ideas of socialism with Chinese characteristics especially xi jinping new era ecological civilization thought, strengthening the concept of green water castle peak is the jinshan yinshan, with construction of ecological province, ecological province as the main direction, the correct understanding and dealing with the relationship between development and protection, insist on the development in the protection, protection in the development, use green development to promote the ecological benefit, economic benefit, social benefit unifies, to the masses of all nationalities to live a more happy and beautiful life, efforts to build a beautiful China make a positive contribution.

We will effectively expand the ecological space and strengthen the barrier to green development. "Today's qinghai province plays an important role in the overall work of the party and the country, and is of particular importance to China's ecological security," xi said during a visit to qinghai. It is qinghai's bounden duty to protect the source of the three rivers and protect the "water tower of China". "We will strengthen the national ecological security barrier, resolutely guard the bottom line of the ecological system and ensure that water from one river flows eastward." We have deeply realized that the greatest value of qinghai lies in the ecology, and the greatest responsibility lies in the ecology, and the greatest potential lies in the ecology. When we protect the environment, people will benefit. When the protection of the ecology is relaxed, the interests of the people will be damaged. We adhere to the people as the center of the development of ideas, strengthen the grasp ecological is dereliction of duty, not bad ecological responsibility and dereliction of duty, the good ecological environment as the pratt & Whitney's well-being of the people's livelihood, overall ShanShuiLinTian HuCao system management, afforestation and the principle of water and obvious, continuously perfect the "two belts" one screen at a ecological security pattern, also is natural with peace, harmony and beauty. We will focus on building major functional areas, increase investment in energy, resources and infrastructure, improve various regional policies, accelerate coordinated development of the population, economy and environment, complement each other in regional economic advantages, define clearly the main functions, make efficient use of land and space, and work in harmony between man and nature. We will vigorously implement the three-year action plan to speed up land afforestation. We will carry out eight major initiatives, including "urban and rural greening and beautification" and "compulsory planting of trees by the whole people", and extensively promote afforestation to increase quality and efficiency. When people of all ethnic groups participate in the process, they feel that the environment is the people's livelihood, the green mountains are beautiful and the blue sky is happiness. Further promote the atmosphere, water, soil pollution control, improve and implement the key regional environmental pollution zone spreading mechanism, establish long rivers system comprehensively, actively carry out "clear water, blue sky" and "home beautification" special operations, strengthen prevention and control of industrial pollution sources and agriculture non-point source pollution, the village and herding area as a whole the human and animal drinking water safety, improvement of water supplier, sewage and garbage disposal, improve urban and rural level purify beautification. We will actively implement key ecological projects and launch major projects to protect the ecological resources of the three rivers and build phase I and phase ii projects. We launched a pilot project on ecological protection and rehabilitation of lake grass in mountain and forest fields, and organized and implemented key projects on natural forest resources protection, the construction of the "three-north" forest protection system, the conversion of farmland to forest, the return of grazing to grass, and soil and water conservation. Through the solid promotion of ecological environmental protection, the ecological environment is getting better and better. The wetland area ranks the first in China, and the area of qinghai lake water has reached the maximum in 18 years. The mountains are greener, the water is cleaner, the sky is bluer, the environment is more beautiful, and the national ecological security barrier has been further strengthened.

We will actively build green industries and strengthen the foundation for green development. General secretary xi jinping stressed the need to establish and improve an economic system for green and low-carbon circular development. Green industry is the basis of green development. In recent years, we have carried out the concept of new development in depth and, in accordance with the requirements of high-quality development, accelerated the construction of a green industrial system with prominent features and comparative advantages in line with the spirit of reform and innovation and the spirit of solving major problems. Adhere to the direction of intensive organic branding, structural reforms to boost agricultural supply side, the plateau characteristics of modern agriculture, strengthen the national grassland ecological animal husbandry area, modern agricultural demonstration zone, agricultural science and technology park construction, makes the grain and oil, fruits and vegetables, livestock and poultry breeding and seabuckthorn wolfberry "four ten billion yuan", such as industry, cultivating top ten characteristics of agriculture and animal husbandry industry, become the nation's largest organic animal husbandry production base and medlar production base. Insist on transformation and upgrading and mass transfer efficiency as the core, through the "hundreds of items to upgrade project", "best innovation is a crucial project", continuously strengthen technical innovation, technology innovation and technology research, transform and upgrade traditional industries and to expand emerging specialty industry go hand in hand, we will speed up the establishment of a national clean energy demonstration provinces, especially the xi general concern of the salt lake chemical, photovoltaic power generation, advantages of the biomedicine industry rapid rise, the two "must kilowatt renewable energy base," "eight big green industry technology system" has a prototype. We will continue to take accelerating the development of the service sector as a strategic fulcrum for economic transformation and upgrading, and plan for the distribution of modern services at a high starting point. On the basis of the regional resources endowment, industrial foundation and function orientation, plan to construct a group of service area, to promote tourism as the leading ten modern service industry, promote the producer services to professional and value chain extension, consumer services gradually to fine and high quality, the level of modern service industry and improved, has contributed more than 45% of economic growth. The number of tourists and the income of tourism increased by more than 20% for three consecutive years. The tourism industry has grown into a pillar industry of the national economy and entered the golden period of high-quality development. At present, we are accelerating the green transformation. The industry has been returning to the ecological "true colors", improving the ecological "pure colors" and highlighting the ecological "characteristics".

We will continue to promote reform and opening up and increase the momentum of green development. General secretary xi jinping stressed that the relationship between development and ecological and environmental protection should be properly handled. We should give priority to the reform of the system and mechanism for building an ecological civilization, implement the proposed action plan firmly into action, and promote coordinated development and ecological and environmental protection. We are keenly aware that only by deepening reform, opening up and improving mechanisms can we provide lasting impetus to green development. Fully give play to the role of traction ecological civilization system reform, reform has launched more than 40 ecological field and opinions, we will deepen reform of the spatial planning system, pays special attention to the source, the qilian mountain national park, pilot and three national park green finance system reform, actively explore carbon emissions, emissions, can use right and other kinds of environmental equity financing tool, to carry out the standardization of industrial energy saving and green action, to carry out the system of industrial enterprises "leader" of energy efficiency, ecological priority, green development effect more apparent. Actively integrated into the "area", a new round of western development, the Yangtze river economic belt, east and west country such as poverty alleviation collaboration strategy, with the aid qing provinces and cities to further deepen the green industry development cooperation, signed a strategic cooperation agreement with national ministries and central enterprises, accelerate the construction of clean electricity energy uhv delivery channels, all-round youth will contact, to the, Tibetan carpets exhibition, cultural tourism festival gear upgrades, the prospect of more vast green development. We will formulate a target system for the assessment of ecological civilization construction and an indicator system for green development, increase annual assessment of the green development of local governments, cancel four assessment indicators such as GDP of 28 counties and urban areas, set the weight of assessment indicators in a differentiated way, and give full play to the role of the "baton" of assessment. We will continue to take green development as the scientific planning and overall promotion of systems engineering, respect science, respect law and respect the people, balance the production and living environment, innovate institutional mechanisms, and guide people to participate in green development through government purchase of services. We comprehensively explored the establishment of a public welfare post system for ecological management and protection, with a total of 126,000 public welfare posts for ecological management of grasslands, forests and wetlands.

Vigorously advocate green civilization and create a green development trend. General secretary xi jinping stressed that promoting the formation of a green development style and lifestyle is an inevitable requirement for the implementation of the new development concept. We have deeply realized that green development is the biggest development and green civilization is the biggest civilization. Adhere to the concept of green development permeates the planning, project examination and approval, engineering construction and people's life and government regulation, etc., continue to build a green low carbon cycle economic development system, market oriented, clean low-carbon green technology innovation system and safe and efficient energy system, up and down the province to carry out the concept of green development consciousness and initiative significantly enhanced. We will strengthen education, the strategic position of the ecological environment and the green value, actively cultivate ecological culture and ecological morality, and integrate education, an ecological civilization, into the national education, training of cadres and workers, training of farmers and herdsmen, and extensively organize and carry out various ecological and cultural activities. Advocate contracted moderately, green low carbon production and living ways, oppose extravagance and waste and unreasonable consumption, carry out to create a conservation-minded agencies, green home, green school, green communities and green travel action, "green cell engineering" formed in the whole society advocating ecological civilization, practice green developing good habits. Now, the whole province pays more attention to inheriting and carrying forward the concept of green development contained in the traditional Chinese culture, and pays more attention to exploring the excellent ecological culture of ethnic minorities. Ecological civilization and green development have become the common pursuit and distinctive mark of the whole society.

Source: learn The Times