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The new political party system is a great political creation

Political party system is the core system of modern political civilization and plays a supporting role in the operation of human political life. "New political party system" is put forward, and reveals the system of the new era of China and the Chinese communists firm confidence, to uphold and improve the new system is pointed out the direction, also gave rise to the world of party politics civilization new form for the Chinese wisdom and solutions in China.

Political party system is the core system of modern political civilization and plays a supporting role in the operation of human political life. Humans entered the second decade of the 21st century, represented by capitalist political party system of the old political party system weakness all show, and the socialist political party system with Chinese characteristics is increasingly glow vitality. It is in this context that the "new political party system" as a theoretical form of the opportunity to appear mature. Thus, in the first session of the national committee of the 13th annual LianZuHui, xi jinping, general secretary of the big political thesis of "the new political party system" is put forward, highly concise, summarized the great political creation, reveals the system of the new era of China and the Chinese communists firm confidence, to uphold and improve the new system has pointed out the direction, and to create new world of party politics civilization form contribution to the Chinese wisdom and scheme.

The new political party system is the product of historical reflection and creative learning

It is well known that originated in the west, political party system in the process of modern western political development, diversification of the political party system replaced the feudal hierarchy and religious privilege system, gradually become the core system in the western political system, in the political transition, on behalf of the state and society governance, interests and expression, political socialization, policy making, and elite selection plays an important role in such aspects, in a certain historical period promoted the development of human political civilization progress. However, as an important part of the capitalist system, the western political party system has inherent, profound and insurmountable defects. These defects are particularly evident in migration to developing countries.

History has proved that profound mistakes are more conducive to the development of human political civilization than superficial ones. Learning from trial and error has led to great political creation. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the communist party of China, the Chinese people and the democratic parties and independents together create a kind of political party system is essentially different from the European and American capitalism, are also significant different from the original socialist political party system and the third world countries of the former political party system of a new political party system. ZhiYan, since modern times of China's political party system to learn from west to east, outside-in, FanQiuZhuJi, walk a path of negation of negation, ultimately to foster growth in their soil is out for his own political party system.

The system construction is the core and the highest form of the national construction. In the process of creative learning, the CPC has deeply realized that the old party system represented by the capitalist party system is not applicable to China at all. We have also deeply realized that the political party system of other socialist countries cannot be simply copied and copied. We must build a new political party system that suits China's national conditions. At the same time, this kind of political party system should be developed and improved according to the development and change of The Times. From the communist party of China under the leadership of the multi-party cooperation and political consultation system, to the leadership of the communist party of China's multi-party cooperation and political consultation system, the political party system with Chinese characteristics, and then to the new political party system, China's political party system does not forget originally, absorb foreign, for the future, the organic combination of marxist party theory with Chinese concrete practice and continuously developing, inferiority, out of the one hundred system into the system of a new era of self-confidence.

The new party system realizes the creative combination of theory and practice

A name is not made in heaven, but in truth. Party politics is the general rule of modern politics, but the forms of realizing party politics are rich and varied. There is no best party system, only the most suitable one. European and American capitalism too single political party system to focus on competitive elections, they strongly preferred in interest gaming in a wide range of designs, always can't get rid of interests on behalf of the one-sided, political party political ills such as vicious competition and money; The former Soviet socialist party system has always been difficult to overcome a series of problems such as weak supervision and bureaucracy. This situation is caused by the improper combination of theory and practice.

Xi general secretary pointed out: "the political system is used to adjust political relations, establishing the political order, promote national development, to maintain national stability, impossible to abstract from the specific social and political conditions, can't be the same, and be a statue." Fundamentally speaking, the formation of a country's political party system depends on the kind of political party theory as a guide, combined with what kind of specific national conditions, and the combination must also embodies creative thinking. Therefore, the new party system realizes the creative combination of marxist party theory and China's specific national conditions. From the perspective of historical evolution, in reflections on old-style drama of political party system, the communist party of China led the Chinese revolution, construction and reform process of great historical development logic, it is destined to China can't simply copy imitate some of the old political party system. From the perspective of theoretical guidance, the party system under the guidance of marxism is fundamentally different from other old party systems. At the same time, in the great combination of theory and practice, the CPC also creatively developed the original system of marxist political parties. The new political party system has liberated the political party system from the old stereotypes and created a new form of deliberative democracy, which is guided by problems. It represents not only broad direct interests, but also profound fundamental interests. It represents not only short-term interests, but also long-term interests. It not only represents the local interests of different sectors, but also represents the overall interests of all ethnic groups in China. It represents not only the flowing public opinion, but also the stable public opinion. From building a nation through consultation and building a democracy, to major construction and deepening reform, to targeted poverty alleviation and community-level governance, deliberative democracy has developed in a broad, multi-tiered and institutionalized way. This new form to real democracy, widely, permanent representative and the realization of the broad masses of the people's fundamental interests, from all walks of life the fundamental interests of all nationalities in the country, effectively avoid the previous democratic political party system on behalf of the minority, the disadvantages of minority interests, realize the creative combination of theory and practice of the world history of party politics of great change.

The new party system has realized the creative innovation in the system

Throughout world history, every major advance in human political civilization has depended on the great reform of the political system. New political party system to suck precipitation accumulation of the Chinese nation five thousand - year history of the world public, eclectic, seeking common ground while putting aside differences, such as excellent political culture, the western capitalist multi-party competition, political party system and the beneficial results of original socialist political party system of the former Soviet union, break through the binary opposition and a yuan of absolute mold, dialectically deal with the relationship between the one with more, and more effectively achieve the combination, created a party leads the multi-party cooperation system, implement the party system of creative innovation.

The new party system has realized the innovation of system structure. The system of capitalist political parties in Europe and America is "playing football". The former socialist party system in the eastern Soviet union was "bowling alone". New political party system with Chinese characteristics through the old traditional framework, the political party system is "sing the chorus", created a "long-term coexistence, mutual supervision, sincere treatment, blame" leadership, cooperation and ruling, participate the compound mode of combining the structure more compact, more perfect, more superior, has realized the great innovation of institutional structure.

The new system of political parties has reformed the relations between political parties. In a certain sense, any political party system is the sum total of the relations between political parties. European and American capitalist party system is an either/or competition relations, under the socialist political party system of the former Soviet party relationship is with you without my survival, and China's new political party system beyond the previous party between zero and competition, loose coupling and the style of "fit all" and so on the various relationships, create a new pattern of close cooperation relations of political parties, is a kind of symbiotic relationship, the two creative innovation: the relationship between the parties is a legal political party political status of long-term cooperation mode; Second, the mutual gain model between the construction of the ruling party and the construction of participating parties.

The new party system has realized the reform of party supervision model. New political party system has created "a multi-party cooperation under the leadership of the party into the heart cooperation supervision" this new mode of a political party supervision, effectively avoid a party the disadvantages of lack or multi-party malignant supervision.

The new political party system has realized the creative breakthrough of theoretical discourse

The continuous breakthrough of China's development practice on the discourse of western centralism theory has become a common practice in the study of social science theory in the world. Theoretical discourse is the theoretical discourse of soft power and soft power, and the theoretical discourse of political party system has been controlled by the western social science theoretical circle for a long time. These "the simple vote equal to democracy, the party simply equated with political competition" of the so-called "scientific theories", as some western forces in ideology and public opinion against China's political party system of the main theoretical basis.

The new political party system enables people to view the world's political party and political party system from a new theoretical high point and to see the poverty of the western political party system theory. Therefore, the new political party system surpasses the classification standards of all the previous political party systems, divides the political party system into the "new" and "old" boundary, and realizes the creative breakthrough of western theoretical discourse. And, more importantly, the new political party system to give human party politics more vivid, rich connotation, organic theory connotation and system, so as to reveal the communist party of China and Chinese people a high degree of confidence and system theory.

The new political party system has achieved creative achievements in performance

Practice is the only criterion to test truth, and performance is the only criterion to test the system. Behind the "miracle of China" and "governance of China" lies China's institutional advantages, and the new political party system is an important support for institutional advantages. China's modernization can be said to be the largest, largest and most influential modernization in the history of mankind. This modernization is not only special because of its size but also because of its novelty. China's modernization is a party-centered modernization led and promoted by political parties. The communist party of China leads the multi-party cooperation and political consultation under the new political party system is the main system to support China's modernization, it is able to closely unite the political parties and people from all walks of life, through the institutionalization, sequencing, the arrangement of the large-scale concentration of various opinions and Suggestions, to promote scientific decision-making democratization, strive for the common goal of socialist modernization, and thus created a huge system performance. China's new political party system is not only superior because of its particularity, but also special because of its superiority. As the "Chinese miracle" the system of the rule of China's important force source, it push came from China to stand up, rich and strong up to the great leap forward, pushing China for 40 years in a row of political stability, economic prosperity, cultural development and social progress, to promote China's rapid modernization of very large scale, huge system superiority, has obtained the unprecedented system performance. Endowment condition is not worse than China in some development countries, due to the simple transplant some of the old political party system, rather than the expected development achievements, but intensified the ethnic separatism, religious conflict, etc., into a long-term unrest. This is especially true in countries where western countries have imposed "western-style democracy" with bayonets. Alas, some countries are lost; Hateful, some countries think too high and do not regret, the development and progress of human political civilization from this dust.

The system is always compared between the old and the new, and the good and bad are divided among the results. The current is still in the continuous development of the new political party system, is the historical choice of the Chinese people since modern times, come from China's growth in soil, and in countless times of vertical and horizontal competition, suited to China's actual and development direction of great political creation. For the future, can be expected that the new political party system will not tired by reputation, to praise and confused, not by their differences, not vain, not complacent, constant reform and innovation in theory and practice, coruscate gives greater vitality in the new era, become a magic weapon system of the construction of socialist modernization power, contributing to the world out of the party the new form of political civilization.

Source: learn The Times