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Major institutional innovations in party discipline construction

Under the guidance of socialism with Chinese characteristics under the new era of xi jinping, the CPC has made important changes to the party constitution in accordance with the general requirements of the party's construction in the new era. 19 big party constitution at the 18th party congress into innovation of the construction of the discipline and practice experience, improve the construction of discipline of the party constitution content more rich, more in line with the new era of party construction is an urgent need to form the system innovation of our party in the discipline construction of major.
The communist party of China (CPC) has made important changes to the constitution of the communist party of China (CPC), and has achieved major institutional innovation in discipline construction.
To integrate the discipline construction into the party's general requirements constitutes the new layout of the party's construction.
19 report put forward the new era of party construction general requirements, a clear "with the building of the party's political and", "comprehensively promote the party's political construction, thought construction, organization construction, style construction, discipline construction", and "which runs through the system construction, further promote the anti-corruption struggle, continuously improve the quality of the party's construction". 19 big write these important discourse in general, will be the construction of the political power with other together constitute the new era of party's construction new layout, implement the overall layout of a major breakthrough in the party construction.
General secretary xi jinping's important thought on discipline construction has provided basic guidance and basic guidance for the party to strengthen discipline construction. Him when he spoke at the second plenary session the 18th session of the central commission for discipline inspection emphasized "top of strict party discipline is strict political discipline", the three plenary session stressed "strict organizational discipline, to overcome the poorly organized and discipline was slack phenomenon", the fifth plenary session stressed "to strengthen the construction of discipline, at disciplinary rules in more important positions", six times the plenum stressed "use discipline to hold all party member", seven plenary session stressed "to strict political discipline and rules, improving the party's political life principle and militancy. At the same time, the CPC central committee attaches great importance to inner-party laws and regulations construction, the first amendment, the about the several principles of the party's political life under the new situation, the honest self-discipline rules of the communist party of China the Chinese communist party disciplinary regulations and other laws and regulations, the bottom line with the "discipline" as a discipline, party party discipline as tube strict ruler and the behavior of party member specification to follow.
The 19th party constitution emphasizes the status and function of the discipline construction, and realizes the major innovation of the overall layout of the party's construction. Since the 19th in-depth summarize the eighteenth big innovation practice and successful experience of the construction of the discipline, the system construction listed separately, as one kind of construction throughout the course of the party's construction, scientific and reasonable, practical, has distinct pertinence. The general layout of the party's construction and the main position of the party's construction in the party constitution, which highlights the dominant position of the political construction in the party's construction; The political construction, discipline construction in the overall layout, formed by the political construction, thought construction, organization construction, style construction, discipline construction and system construction and anti-corruption struggle as the basic content of the new era, the party's construction new layout, further highlight the discipline construction in the party party, is the important position and role of the wind anti-corruption, this is the inevitable requirement of advance comprehensive governing party, and to promote the further development of comprehensive governing party of the nature of need.
We should properly handle the dialectical relationship between "six disciplines" and focus on strengthening political discipline and organizational discipline.
In the general outline of the party constitution, the general principles of the communist party of China and the communist party of China (CPC) are clear: "we must uphold the principle of discipline, strengthen the discipline of organization, and make everyone equal before the party's discipline". Chapter one, article 3, when discussing party members' obligations, is clear: "conscientiously abide by the party's discipline, first is the party's political discipline and political rules"; Chapter vii article 40 when discussing party discipline, it is clear that "party discipline mainly includes political discipline, organizational discipline, incorruptible discipline, mass discipline, work discipline, and life discipline". These rules highlight the importance of political discipline and organizational discipline.
The emphasis on strengthening political discipline is determined by the demands of the new era party building. Political discipline and political discipline play an important role in party discipline. Our party is a marxist political party, with its unique political attribute political discipline is the party organizations at all levels and all party members in political orientation, political stand, political speech, must follow the basic rules of political behavior, is the fundamental guarantee of maintaining the party's solidarity and unity. Historically, our party has always placed ideological construction at the forefront. New historical period, the party members and cadres in political issues remain, some cadres problems first is also a political problem, lack of weakening in some places the leadership of the party, the party's construction, lack of comprehensive governing party, the fundamental reason lies in the political consciousness is not strong, politics is not strong, the unstable political belief, political ideological impurity, ignore the political discipline and rules, etc. To this end, it is necessary to highlight the political construction of the party, enhance the political consciousness, the overall situation consciousness, the core consciousness and the awareness of the party, and better implement the party's political discipline.
Yan Ming's organizational discipline is the inevitable requirement of the new era to promote the all-round development of strict party discipline. The party's strength comes from the organization, and the party organization with strict unity can make the party more powerful. The communist party of China is established in accordance with the principle of marxist party building advanced party, and always adhere to democratic centralism as a fundamental system of organization and leadership, well-organized and discipline is the glorious tradition and unique advantages. In the new era, we must always adhere to the guide, keep firm strategic concentration, and resolutely prevent and against individualism, decentralism, liberalism, selfish departmentalism, good people, resolutely prevent and against sectarianism culture, community culture, dock, firmly opposed duplicitous, do the dichotomy, earnestly strengthen the discipline construction, strict organizational discipline, enhance their awareness of the importance of organization and strictly implement the system of organization, to strictly abide by integrity work discipline, the discipline, discipline, discipline of life, and other various discipline required to lay a solid foundation.
The "four forms" of supervision and discipline should be written into the party constitution, so that the task of discipline construction can actually be implemented.
To supervise the formation and perfection of the "four forms" of the executive discipline has a development process. The communist party of China inner-party supervision regulations, do to "form" four complete description: "often carry out criticism and self-criticism, questioning enquiry, let 'red blush, sweat, become the norm; The party discipline light punishment, the organization adjustment becomes the most of disciplinary treatment; The party discipline heavy punishment, the major post adjustment becomes a minority; There are very few cases of serious violation of the law. The rules of discipline inspection of the discipline inspection organs of the communist party of China (trial) have further clarified that the "four forms" have become an important part of our party's supervision and discipline.
Supervision and enforcement of "four kinds of form" starting point is to get a better education to protect the party members and cadres, make its appear in violation of party discipline when it contained, prevent a greater error, to nip in the bud, realize the prevention and punishment of unity, take temporary solution and effect a permanent cure the unity of purpose, make the comprehensive governing party goal really fall to the ground. According to statistics, since 2015, the national discipline inspection and supervision organ has practiced "four forms", with a total of 2048 thousand people in the party. Among them, the first form was used to criticize education, and the conversation corresponded to 46.7%. The second kind of form discipline light punishment, the organization adjustment accounts 39.9%; The third kind of form discipline heavy punishment, the major duty adjustment accounted for 7.6%; The fourth form of serious violation of the law is suspected to be an illegal case review of 5.8 percent, expelled from the party, the transfer of judicial organs to a very small number.
19 big party constitution to the provisions of article 40 of chapter 7: "insist on curing, cure patents, enforcement enforced discipline will investigate, grasp early small and preventive, according to the nature of the error and the seriousness, criticize education and disciplinary action. Use of supervision and enforcement 'four kinds of form, let' red blush, sweat 'become the norm, party discipline sanctions, the organization adjustment has become an important means to pipe the party party, serious disciplinary violations, seriously violated must be expelled from the party members."
The "four forms" is the innovation result of the thought idea and the profound change of the discipline supervision. Writing "four forms" into the party constitution is an important innovation in supervising the work of discipline. In enforcement practice, the application of "four kinds of form" organically to clues disposal, enforcement examination, enforcement hearing, "curing and treating patients" policy implementation to discipline review process, to achieve from the "minority" to "all", from "passive check" to "active" prevention, make an increasingly important role in the surface of the construction of the discipline, with strict discipline to promote the further development of comprehensive governing party.
We will improve the system of inspection and inspection, and make full use of the role of patrolling the sword.
Since the eighteenth congress, the central conducted 12 rounds of patrol, from May 2013 launched the first round of the patrol, patrol feedback end of that year until June of 2017 the last round, tour of 277 unit party organization, implement the party's history and inspect the full cover a term for the first time the central goal.
The visit to the full coverage highlights our party's determination to pursue corruption and corruption. According to the experience accumulated in the inspection work, in order to ensure the solid progress of the inspection and supervision, our party promptly summarized the practical experience and raised the party's rules and regulations. In June 2015, the political bureau of the CPC central committee deliberated and adopted the regulations on the inspection of the Chinese communist party (revised draft), and made clear the general rules for the first time to "realize the full coverage and the national game". In October 2016, the party's sixth plenary of 18 deliberation by the communist party of China inner-party supervision regulations, for the first time in the party regulations explicitly: "the central and provincial, autonomous region or municipality directly under the central party committee, a term for the management of local governments, departments, enterprises and institutions party comprehensive tour", "city of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central party committee should promote the party's (local, state, and au) and county (city, district, flag) committee set up the system of the inspector". New progress since then, according to the course, in May 2017, the central politburo meeting examined and approved by the on modifying the decision of the patrol work regulations > < the communist party of China "and again to modify patrol work rules. Article 2 the first paragraph is revised as, "the party's central committee and the provincial, autonomous region or municipality directly under the central committee to implement the system of inspection Tours, set up a full-time tour, in terms of management by local governments, departments, enterprises and institutions party comprehensive tour". In the second paragraph of article 2 is clear, "the central ministries and the central state organs CPC (communist party) can implement the system of inspection Tours, set up tour agencies, to patrol supervise management by the party organization". In paragraph 3 of article 2, "the city (local, state, and au) and county (city, district, flag) committee to establish a system for the inspector, to have a set of institutions, to inspector supervision and management by the party organization".
In practice on the basis of realizing a complete coverage of patrol, 19 big party constitution in the second chapter "the party organization system", will the fourth paragraph of article 13 of the system of inspection Tours to expand as article 14: "the party's central committee and the provincial, autonomous region or municipality directly under the central committee to implement the system of inspection Tours, in one term, on the management of local governments, departments, enterprises and institutions party organization realizing a complete coverage of tour. The party committees and party committees of relevant ministries and departments of the central government shall carry out inspections on the basis of their work needs. The party city (prefectural, state, union) and county (city, district, flag) committee establishes inspection system. This provision, it is to carry out the strategic arrangement of inner-party supervision, in order to promote the in-depth development of the course provides a solid institutional guarantee, is our party in the party party, party strictly, strengthening the important innovation of the tour.
We should grasp the relationship between discipline construction and power supervision, and strengthen inner-party supervision with the focus of "key minority".
The strengthening of discipline is inseparable from supervision. Supervision is the fundamental guarantee for the right operation of power and is an important measure to strengthen and normalize the political life in the party. Since the eighteenth congress, comrade xi as the core of the CPC central committee attaches great importance to inner-party supervision system construction, improve the system of the major issues of the individual report, passport management, outgoing audit, etc.; In particular, the regulations on inner-party supervision of the communist party of China, adopted at the sixth plenary session of the 18th CPC central committee, have provided important compliance for strengthening and regulating inner-party supervision.
To strengthen the supervision of leading cadres is a prominent feature of inner-party supervision since the 18th CPC national congress. To implement a comprehensive and strict party, we need to pay attention to the method strategy, grasp the key problems and the main contradictions. The key is to strengthen supervision over the exercise of power by leading cadres, especially leading cadres. The third plenary session of the 18th CPC central committee proposed to strengthen and improve the restriction and supervision on the exercise of power by leading cadres; Article 17 of the supervision regulations of the communist party of China stipulates that "party supervision must strengthen the supervision of leading cadres of party organizations and leading cadres of key posts"; Some guidelines on the political life of the party under the new situation emphasize that "party supervision must highlight the party's leading organs and leading cadres, especially the leading cadres. Leading cadres should properly handle supervision, take the initiative to accept supervision, and be used to work under supervision. They must not refuse to supervise and evade supervision.
Based on the problems in party building, deep summing up the experience of supervision within the party, the party's 19 report on a new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics the basic strategies emphasize "to strengthen inner-party supervision", when a major measure to implement a comprehensive strictly party emphasis on strengthening supervision and enforcement accountability, for party members and cadres know fear, intellectual and keep the bottom line, used to work in the environment under the constraint of a supervision and life; We will improve the oversight system of the party and the state, strengthen the party's capacity for self-purification, and strengthen the party's self-supervision and public oversight. 19 big party constitution made important changes for the inner-party supervision, in general stressed: "strengthening party party responsibility main body and the supervision responsibility, to strengthen the party's leading bodies and the supervision of leading cadres and especially principal leading cadres of party members, perfecting the inner-party supervision system." "Strict standards and strict measures should be adopted throughout the whole process and aspects of the governing party. We should adhere to the rule of law, treat both symptoms and root causes, and uphold discipline in front of the party, strengthen the discipline of organization, and make everyone equal before the party's discipline. Article 46 in chapter viii: the party's commissions for discipline inspection at all levels are the party's supervisory organs; The party's commissions for discipline inspection at all levels shall be responsible for supervision, discipline and accountability, and shall always make decisions regarding the maintenance of party discipline by education, which is subject to the discipline of party members. To supervise the performance of party organizations and party members' leading cadres, to exercise their power, to accept and dispose of the reports of party members, and to carry out conversation reminders and interviews; To examine and deal with cases where party organizations and party members violate the party's constitution and other party rules and regulations, and decide or cancel the punishment of party members in these cases; To carry out a request for accountability or accountability; Accepting complaints and complaints from party members; To safeguard the rights of party members.
Source: study times.