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We will continue to consolidate the economic foundation for developing socialism with Chinese characteristics

The core connotation of general secretary xi jinping's thoughts on socialist economic construction is to emphasize the economic foundation to continuously consolidate and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics. The economic foundation is the core category of historical materialism, is the unique economic and social category of marxism, and is the core theoretical concept of marxism understanding and reforming society. General secretary xi jinping's important discussion on socialist economic construction, combined with the great practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics, adhered to and developed the thought of marxist economic foundation.

To maintain economic development as the center is to constantly consolidate the economic foundation for developing socialism with Chinese characteristics.

President xi jinping stressed that "taking economic development as the center is the key to rejuvenating the country, and development is still the key to solving all the problems in our country. Only by promoting sustained and sound economic development can we build a solid foundation for the country's prosperity, prosperity, well-being and social harmony and stability. General secretary xi jinping put forward an important idea here: the focus on economic development is to constantly consolidate the economic foundation for developing socialism with Chinese characteristics. This idea is a clearer and deeper exposition of the core connotation of our party's basic line and a more progressive development.

According to Marx's historical materialism, no matter what social form, economic foundation is the fundamental of a society. The economic foundation is also the foundation of the contemporary Chinese social form of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Insisting on economic construction is not only the task of developing a certain stage or period, but also the core task of socialism. Only by insisting on economic construction as the center can we continuously consolidate and develop the economic foundation of socialism with Chinese characteristics. , xi jinping, general secretary pointed out: "basically, no substantial development, people's living standards continue to improve, talk ideal faith, talk is the leadership of the party, the ideology of the socialist system superiority, talk ideological and moral construction, and ultimately ideological work are also difficult to obtain good results. As long as there is no fundamental change at home and abroad, the focus on economic development cannot and should not be changed. This is the fundamental requirement for adhering to the basic line of the party for 100 years and the fundamental requirement for solving all problems in contemporary China. Therefore, whether to insist on economic construction as the center, whether solid economic foundation of the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics, in contemporary China, can be a distinction between scientific socialism and utopian socialism of a watershed.

Xi general secretary persevere in the position of historical materialism viewpoint, for some misunderstanding made a sharp correction: "some people said, at present the gap between rich and poor is the main contradiction, therefore 'good points cake is more important than a big cake, assign priority to development. This statement does not conform to the party's judgment on the primary stage of socialism and the main contradiction in our society. The proposed to prepare for the party's 18 great struggle that has many new historical characteristics, it is to stick to and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics, is not don't developed, nor to make Robin Hood type of redistribution. We put forward "five one" the overall layout and the 'four comprehensive strategic layout, in order to better promote the economic and social development, for the people living improve constantly to lay a more solid foundation." Therefore, the party central committee with comrade xi for the core leading our new great struggle, is in the Chinese economy into the new normal, enter the higher stage of development, on how to better promote the development of China's new strategy, for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation to lay the solid economic foundation. That is, all work should be focused on building a moderately prosperous society in all respects.

Adhering to the people-centered development idea is the essential stipend of the socialist economic foundation.

In different social forms and different historical times, the social attributes and historical attributes of economic foundation are different in nature. In the social form of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the essential stipend of its economic foundation is emphasized by general secretary xi jinping in the party's nineteenth report: the insistence on the people as the center. The people are the creators of history and the fundamental forces that determine the future and destiny of the party and the country. Must adhere to people's main body status, insist on quickens, ruling for the people, practicing the basic aim of serving the people wholeheartedly, to carry out the party's mass line in governing all activities of the people's yearning for a better life as the goal, relying on the people make history.

Comrade xi as the core of the development thought of the party central committee adhere to the people as the center, as the fundamental purpose of all works of the party and the state: "our people love life, looking forward to have a better education, more stable job, more satisfactory income, a more reliable social security, higher levels of medical and health services, more comfortable living conditions, more beautiful environment, hope the children can grow up better, work better, live better. The people's yearning for a better life is our goal. The fundamental interest demand of the people is to hope that income level and living standard will be continuously improved, which means that we can better share the fruits of reform and development, and that we can have more sense of gain. The communist party of China (CPC) has stressed the importance of the party's fundamental purpose in meeting the needs of the people for a better life. It is the goal of our party to lead the people to create a better life. We must always put the interests of the people at the top of the table, and make reform and development more equitable and equitable for all the people, and strive to achieve common prosperity for all the people.

The former slave society, feudal society and capitalist society were all centered on the exploiting class. The essential difference between socialist society and these societies is that the people are the center. This is the essential attribute of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the essential attribute of the socialist economic foundation. This essential attribute is objectively determined by the main contradictions of the socialist society. Xi general secretary in 19 big report to made a new scientific explanation: socialism with Chinese characteristics into a new era, social principal contradictions of our country has been converted to people the growing demand for a better life and the contradiction between the inadequate development of unbalance. The main contradiction determines that we must adhere to the people as the center of the development of ideas, focus on the development of the party's top priority in governing and rejuvenating the country, to achieve a higher quality, more efficient, more fair, more sustainable development.

Adhering to the people-centered development idea and implementing the practice of socialist construction, the first priority is to constantly consolidate and develop the economic foundation of socialism with Chinese characteristics. With the development of the people as the center and the economic foundation of strengthening socialism, the two are mutually reinforcing. The people are the main body of the development of social productive forces and the main body of socialist productive relations, which is the main body of the socialist economic foundation.

Most fully arouse the enthusiasm of the people development of social productive forces, the most fully respect and meet the people's fundamental interests, it is not only the essential attribute of the socialist economic foundation, is also the most fundamental to further consolidate the basis of socialist economic development of the power source. Continuously consolidate development of the socialist economic base, will continue to meet the people's growing material and cultural needs and material interests constantly meet again will be more to inspire the people with soaring enthusiasm for building socialism and make socialist more solid economic foundation, makes the sources of social wealth to flow more fully. The overall goal of comprehensively deepening reform is to improve and develop the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, and to modernize the country's governance system and governance capability. Must pay more attention to the reform of the systematic, holistic, collaborative, speed up the development of the socialist market economy, democratic politics and advanced culture and harmonious society, the ecology civilization and make all the labor, knowledge, technology, management, capital of the gushing vitality, give full play to all sources of social wealth, make development more fair benefit all the people.

We will comprehensively consolidate the economic foundation for developing socialism with Chinese characteristics.

The economic foundation of a society is a complex system structure, which comprehensively consolidates and develops the economic foundation of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and the task facing it is multi-layered.

First, we must make great efforts to liberate and develop social productive forces. "To liberate and develop the productive forces is the essential requirement of socialism," xi said in his report. The liberation and development of social productive forces is the basic of social survival and development and the material basis for the existence and development of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Must rely on continuous innovation, make the socialism with Chinese characteristics in the liberation and development of social productivity, liberation and enhance social vitality, promote the all-round development of human beings than capitalist system more efficient, more can stimulate the people's enthusiasm, initiative and creativity, more can provide favorable conditions for the social development, more can win in the competition of comparative advantage, the superiority of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics fully reflected. The people are the main body of social productive forces. The liberation and development of social productive forces are ultimately aimed at increasing the well-being of the people. At the same time, the mobilization and play of the people's enthusiasm is the fundamental driving force for the development of social productive forces. Therefore, in the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the liberation and development of social productive forces and the adherence to people-centered development ideas are consistent and mutually reinforcing. To adhere to the people-centered development idea, we must put great efforts to emancipate and develop the productive forces in the first place. The masses of the people's enthusiasm, initiative, creativity, and fully mobilize and constantly get the liberation and development of social productivity, the economic foundation of socialism with Chinese characteristics to constantly consolidate and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics of the system, roads, career, can obtain the continuous and powerful material force support.

Second, we should adhere to and improve the productive relations of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Social productive relationship is another important part of social economic foundation. To adhere to and develop what kind of social production relations, marked the way to go. In particular, President xi jinping has stressed the need for scientific, accurate and firm grasp of the path we are going to take, not to go the way of closed and rigid, nor to change the path of the flag. On the road regulation, one of the fundamental achievements of China's reform and opening up is to establish the basic economic system of socialism with Chinese characteristics. This basic economic system is the basic social production relationship in contemporary China. The most clear and accurate definition of the basic stipulation of this social production relationship is that the basic economic system must adhere to the "two unwavering". We must encourage, support and guide the development of the non-public economy from multiple levels, and stimulate the reform measures of the vitality and creativity of the non-public sector. In terms of function orientation, it is clear that both the public and non-public sectors are important components of the socialist market economy and are the important basis for China's economic and social development. On the protection of property rights, it is clear that the property right of public ownership is inviolable, and the property right of non-public economy is inviolable. In terms of policy treatment, we should insist on equality of rights, equality of opportunity, equality of rules and a unified market access system. We will encourage non-public enterprises to participate in the reform of state-owned enterprises, encourage the development of mixed-ownership enterprises with non-public capital holdings, and encourage the establishment of modern enterprise systems by qualified private enterprises. This paper illustrates the socialism with Chinese characteristics under the condition of the basic structure of social production relationship in our country, which is a kind of the public sector of the economy and the non-public economy in together, common development of economy. This form of social production has become an important part of the socialist economic foundation with Chinese characteristics, and it has also become one of the basic institutional features of socialism with Chinese characteristics. We need to continuously consolidate and develop the economic foundation of socialism with Chinese characteristics, to adhere to and improve the basic socialist economic system, adhere to and improve the production relations of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Third, uphold and improve the socialist market economy. At the same time, it is necessary to determine the concrete realization form, namely, to solve the problem of economic operation system and mechanism. The practice of reform and opening up has enabled us to find this system and mechanism, namely, the socialist market economy system and mechanism. General secretary xi jinping gave a high evaluation to the socialist market economy: "we should adhere to the direction of reform of the socialist market economy. Proposed the objectives of the reform of system of socialist market economy, it is our party in the process of building socialism with Chinese characteristics a major theoretical and practical innovation, solve the other socialist countries in the world for a long time not to solve a major problem." This major problem is the concrete realization way and realization form problem of the social productive forces and the development of social productive relations under the condition of socialism. The socialist market economy system has become an extremely prominent and highly successful feature of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The development of productive forces and the development of production relations in contemporary China need to be realized through the socialist market economy system. Therefore, to adhere to and improve the socialist market economic system has become an important task to continuously consolidate and develop the socialist economic foundation with Chinese characteristics. As an important part of the economic foundation of socialism with Chinese characteristics and uphold and improve the socialist market economic system, not only helps further liberation and development of social productive forces, the development and improvement of socialist production relations, also for all areas of reform, especially for the reform of the superstructure to play a positive role in traction. Will give you a deep and clear xi general secretary: "make the market play a decisive role in the allocation of resources, mainly related to the economic system reform, but will inevitably affect the political, cultural, social, and ecological civilization and the party's construction and other fields. To improve all aspects of system reform towards the direction of socialist market economic system. We, at the same time also make itself all aspects related to link to better adapt to the development of the socialist market economy puts forward new requirements."

Source: study times