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In the current of The Times, we will continue to promote Chinese modernization

In the important speech delivered at the opening ceremony of the Seminar on the study and implementation of the Spirit of the Party's 20 National Congress, the General Secretary systematically summarized and elaborated on a series of major theoretical and practical issues concerning the Chinese-style modernization, which is highly political, theoretical, targeted and instructive, and further pointed out the way forward for comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation through Chinese-style modernization in the new era and on the new journey. Practice is clearly followed. We must all the more cherish, adhere to, expand and deepen, further enrich and develop the theoretical system of Chinese-style modernization, make solid progress in Chinese-style modernization, and strive to create new prospects for the development of the cause of the Party and the country.

First, the Chinese style of modernization is a major achievement achieved by the people of all ethnic groups in the long period of exploration and practice under the leadership of the CPC after enduring untold hardships and at great cost.

Modernization has been the dream and pursuit of the Chinese nation and people since modern times. After the Opium War in 1840, China gradually became a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society under the invasion of Western powers and decadent feudal rule. In order to save the nation from extinction and catch up with the world modernization trend, the Chinese nation and the Chinese people were struggling to explore in the dark. The modernization road of the Westernization Movement, the modernization road of the Reform Law and the institutional reform advocated by the 1911 Revolution, the modernization road of the cultural transformation advocated by the New Culture Movement, etc., were repeatedly hit a wall due to the lack of scientific theoretical guidance. The cannon blast of the October Revolution brought Marxism-Leninism to the Chinese nation and the Chinese people. In the close combination of Marxism-Leninism and the Chinese workers' movement, the Communist Party of China emerged at the historic moment. Since then, the Chinese nation and the Chinese people have had the backbone to explore modernization. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Communist Party of China has held high the banner of Marxism, bravely explored and made unremitting efforts to promote socialist modernization, successfully embarked on the Chinese-style modernization path, and expanded the path of modernization for other developing countries.

The Party's century-long struggle has always been in the same direction as the practice and exploration of Chinese modernization. During the new-Democratic Revolution, after 28 years of bloody struggle, the Party overthrew the three great mountains of imperialism, feudalism and bureaucratic capitalism, and founded the People's Republic of China, where the people were the masters of the country, creating the fundamental social conditions for modernization. During the period of socialist revolution and construction, the Party united and led the people in eliminating the feudal system that had lasted for thousands of years in China, establishing the basic system of socialism, and establishing an independent and relatively complete industrial system and national economic system. It lays the fundamental political prerequisite, valuable experience, theoretical preparation and material foundation for the modernization drive. In the new era of reform and opening up and socialist construction, the Party made the historic decision to shift the focus of Party and state work to economic development and carry out reform and opening up. It created, upheld, defended and developed socialism with Chinese characteristics, providing an institutional guarantee full of new vitality and material conditions for rapid development of the Chinese-style modernization. As socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, we have made constant strategic improvements and implemented a series of major strategies, including the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education, the strategy of strengthening China through human resources, and the strategy of rural revitalization. It has continuously enriched its practice and promoted historic achievements and changes in the cause of the Party and state, providing a more complete institutional guarantee, a more solid material foundation and more active spiritual strength for the Chinese-style modernization. A review of the Party's struggle shows that under the strong leadership of the CPC, the Chinese nation and the Chinese people have constantly stimulated the spirit of innovation and creativity, achieved rapid economic and social development, and gained comparative advantages over Western modernization by relying on Chinese modernization. Practice has proved that the China-style modernization path is sound and steady, and it is the only correct path for China to build a strong country and rejuvenate the nation.

Second, Chinese-style modernization is a major theoretical innovation of our Party on the basis of positive interaction between practical innovation and theoretical innovation to promote the modernization of Marxism in China.

Chinese modernization theory is the theoretical expression of Chinese modernization road. The great practice of the Communist Party of China leading the Chinese nation and the Chinese people in the process of Chinese revolution, construction, reform and forging ahead in the new era to explore the plan of Chinese-style modernization and open up the road of Chinese-style modernization is reflected in the ideological theory of constantly writing a new chapter in the modernization of Marxist theory of Chinese times. During the New Democratic Revolution, our Party proposed that "after the end of the Anti-Japanese War... The task of the Chinese working class is not only to fight for the establishment of a new democratic country, but also to fight for China's industrialization and agricultural modernization.  In the new era of reform and opening up and socialist construction, our Party first put forward the major theory of "the Four modernizations of Chinese style". Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the Party has built on its foundation and founded the Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, realizing a new leap forward in adapting Marxism to Chinese conditions and The Times, and providing the fundamental basis for Chinese modernization. Our Party further deepened its understanding of the connotation and essence of Chinese modernization, formed the Chinese characteristics, essential requirements and major principles of Chinese modernization, and initially constructed the theoretical system of Chinese modernization. This theoretical system is a major innovation in the theory of socialist modernization. It points out the right path for vigorously promoting Chinese-style modernization and makes it clearer, more scientific, and more feasible.

The theory of Chinese modernization guides the great practice of Chinese modernization. When a country pursues modernization, it should not only follow the general rules of modernization, but also conform to its own reality and have its own characteristics. Based on China's special basic national conditions, historical traditions and cultural accumulation, the Chinese-style modernization theory formed in the process of the sinicization of Marxism is not a copy of foreign modernization theories, nor a reprint of the theories and practices of other socialist countries. It is the original version that combines Marxist modernization theory with the concrete reality of China's modernization and fine traditional Chinese culture. It shows another picture of modernization and guides the great practice of Chinese modernization. On the one hand, the theory of Chinese modernization breaks the myth that "modernization = Westernization". From the perspective of the development history of world modernization, Western countries took the lead in starting the modernization process, but "Western model" is not and cannot be the only model of modernization. Chinese modernization has abandoned the old path of Western modernization and has distinct Chinese characteristics. It has set a good example and offered a new choice for developing countries to independently pursue modernization. On the other hand, Chinese modernization theory has applied and developed scientific socialism. From the perspective of the history of the development of socialism, Chinese-style modernization is the product of the combination of scientific socialism and China's modernization practice. It profoundly reflects the essential nature of scientific socialism, fully reflects the basic national conditions, the will of the people, the reality of development, and the fine traditional Chinese culture. It is the latest major achievement of scientific socialism and has rewritten the world map of the modernization of human society. Promoting scientific socialism in 21st century China shows new vigor and vitality.

Third, on the new journey, we will endeavor to write a new chapter in comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation through Chinese-style modernization.

Uphold the Party's leadership to ensure the correct direction of Chinese-style modernization. Chinese modernization is the socialist modernization led by the Communist Party of China. The leadership of the Party has a direct bearing on the fundamental direction, future, destiny, and ultimate success or failure of Chinese modernization. Upholding the leadership of the Party is the most essential requirement of Chinese modernization. The Communist Party of China (CPC) is the planner, leader and promoter of Chinese modernization, and the strong core that strives to write a new chapter of great success in comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese modernization on the new journey. Only by unswervingly upholding the leadership of the Party can Chinese-style modernization have a bright future and flourish. We should always uphold the leadership of the Party, unswervingly adhere to the Chinese characteristics, essential requirements, and major principles of Chinese modernization, and ensure that the anchor goal of Chinese modernization will be achieved steadily and steadily. We should be bold in reform and innovation, remove institutional shortcomings in all areas, and stimulate the strong driving force for Chinese-style modernization. We should adhere to the Party's mass line, adhere to the philosophy of people-centered development, develop people's democracy throughout the whole process, fully inspire the spirit of the people as masters of the country, and constantly pool the great strength for building Chinese-style modernization. We should fully implement the decisions and plans of the CPC Central Committee, outline the strategic plans, objectives and tasks of the Party's 20 major institutions for building China into a modern socialist country, better balance domestic and international situations, epidemic prevention and control with economic and social development, and development with security, comprehensively deepen reform and opening up, promote high-quality development, and make solid progress in the Chinese-style modernization drive.

Use scientific thinking to expand and deepen Chinese modernization. We must maintain strategic thinking and make our strategies more overarching. In planning strategic objectives, formulating strategic measures, and making strategic arrangements, we must focus on resolving major issues that affect the success or failure of the cause of the Party and the country. We should enhance the stability of our strategy, focus on what is done and achieve what is done. At the same time, they are good at organically combining the principle of strategy with the flexibility of strategy, and grasp the strategic initiative in adapting to local conditions, acting according to the situation, and taking advantage of the situation. We should adhere to systematic thinking, properly handle a series of important relations between top-level design and practical exploration, strategy and strategy, integrity and innovation, efficiency and fairness, vitality and order, self-reliance and opening-up, and take into account overall considerations, systematic planning, and overall promotion of the systematic project of Chinese-style modernization. We should adhere to innovative thinking, give innovation a prominent place in the overall development of the country, respond to the development needs of The Times, focus on solving major theoretical and practical problems, actively identify and adapt to changes, and constantly create new drivers and advantages for development, thus injecting inexhaustible impetus into the Chinese style of modernization. We should keep a bottom-line approach, keep strategic clarity, and be aware of risks and challenges. Maintain strategic confidence and strengthen the confidence in the struggle; Maintain the strategic initiative and strengthen the ability to fight; In times of peace, be prepared for danger, dare to fight, be good at fighting, overcome all kinds of risks and challenges through tenacious struggle, and open a new world for career development.

Source: Party construction network