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We will deepen our fundamental commitment to comprehensively and strictly governing the Party

At the Second Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, from the perspective of a new journey in the new era for the overall development of the cause of the Party and the country, we elaborated on the goals, tasks and practical requirements for improving the system of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, made strategic plans for unswervingly and deeply promoting comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, and provided fundamental guidelines for further promoting comprehensively and strictly governing the Party. We must thoroughly study and implement the guiding principles of our important speeches, consciously integrate our thinking and actions into the decisions and plans of the CPC Central Committee, and work tirelessly to comprehensively and strictly govern the Party to build it even stronger.

I fully demonstrated that our Party is highly alert to new challenges and tests on the new journey, and has always driven forward with sobriety and prudence to comprehensively and strictly govern the Party. This will surely help the century-old Party continue to reinvigorate itself in the self-revolution and remain the most reliable and strong backbone of the Chinese people. To provide a strong guarantee for a good start in building a modern socialist country in an all-round way.

The experience crystallization and theoretical sublimation of ten years of comprehensive and strict Party governance in the new era. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the CPC Central Committee with comrades at its core has incorporated comprehensive and strict governance into the four-pronged Comprehensive strategy, started with the formulation and implementation of the eight-point Regulations of the CPC Central Committee, set forth and implemented the general requirements for Party building in the new era, guided all work in Party building with Party political building, made concerted efforts to build the Party through ideological and institutional governance, and maintained integrity and discipline. We launched an unprecedented campaign against corruption, and found the second answer to the problem of self-revolution, which is the answer to the historical cycle of the rise and fall of chaos. The Party's ability to purify, improve, innovate, and improve itself has been significantly enhanced, and lax and soft governance over the Party has been fundamentally reversed. The Party has become stronger and more dynamic in its revolutionary endeavor. At the same time, the Party's understanding of the law governing the Party has been raised to a new level, and a series of new ideas, conclusions and requirements have been put forward to comprehensively and strictly govern the Party, further deepening and expanding the Party's theoretical innovations.

The strategy of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party was systematically carried out at the Party's 20 National Congress. At the Party's 20th National Congress, the major plan was made to unswervingly enforce strict self-governance across the Party and further advance the great new project of Party building in the new era. It guided us to implement the general requirements for Party building in the new era, improve the system for comprehensively exercising strict self-governance, uphold and strengthen the centralized and unified leadership of the CPC Central Committee, and make unremitting efforts to strengthen the Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. We will improve the Party's system for standardizing its self-revolutionary system, build a team of officials with high quality who are worthy of the important task of national rejuvenation, strengthen the political and organizational functions of Party organizations, uphold a strict tone to strengthen integrity and discipline, and resolutely win a protracted battle against corruption. The important speech delivered at the Second Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection gave a comprehensive explanation, system deepening and in-depth expansion of these plans, especially the major propositions, major concepts and major conclusions, such as a profound analysis of the unique problems of the Grand Party and a profound elaboration of the system of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, which all played a guiding role in advancing the new great project of Party building in the new era.

The strategy is outlined to ensure the central tasks of the Party and the country in the new era. In the past ten years, the CPC Central Committee with comrades at its core has attached great importance to ensuring the completion of the central task of Party building, and clearly requires that "Party political building should be integrated into the whole process of the formulation and implementation of major Party and state decisions and plans, so that the Party's political building and all operational work, especially the central work, should be closely integrated and mutually reinforcing." In the important speech at the second Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, when analyzing the unique problems of the CPC, focusing on realizing the mission and task of the Party on the new journey in the new era, solving these problems is defined as "a hurdle that must be overcome" and "a hard bone that must be overcome". When making arrangements for political oversight, we stressed the need to ensure effective implementation of the Party's 20 National decisions and plans with strong political oversight, and effectively overcome difficulties in implementing them. If these requirements are fully implemented, we can ensure that the central task of our Party's new journey in the new era is fully fulfilled.

We will always be on our way to comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, and the Party will always be on our way to self-revolution. Comprehensively and strictly governing the Party is a great practice of the Party's self-revolution in the new era. We must make unremitting efforts to deepen and comprehensively govern the Party with strict discipline to ensure that the Party always retains its vitality and strong combat effectiveness.

Always maintain the soberness and firmness to solve the problems unique to the big Party. In the face of the deep-seated contradictions that cannot be avoided and avoided in our reform, development and stability on the new journey, in the face of the persistent and multiple problems in Party building, especially in building a clean and clean Party style and fighting corruption, we stressed: "How to always stay true to the original aspiration and keep the mission in mind, how to always unify the thoughts, will and actions, how to always have a strong governing ability and leadership level, how to always maintain the entrepreneurial spirit, how to always find and solve their own problems in a timely manner, how to always maintain a clean and upright political ecology, Are unique problems that we, as a big party, have to solve." These "six Hows" fully demonstrate our Party's clear understanding of its historical position, its mission and tasks, and the complex environment it faces. They fully demonstrate that the CPC Central Committee with comrades at its core stands on the importance of long-term governance of the Party, long-term peace and stability of the country, and the happiness and well-being of the people. A strong sense of danger and a clear-cut approach to advancing comprehensive and strict governance of the Party as a long-term strategy and an eternal task for the Party fully demonstrates the profound grasp of Chinese Communists in the new era of the development and changes of the world, national conditions and Party conditions, and points out the direction for our efforts to deepen comprehensive and strict governance of the Party on the new journey.

We will further improve the system for comprehensively and strictly governing the Party. As a long-ruling Marxist party and the largest political party in the world, our Party faces a daunting task of Party self-governance. Objectively, we need to put in place a unified and efficient system of comprehensive and strict self-governance that is rational in layout, scientific in content, and has all the necessary elements. At this plenary session, we made an in-depth review of the Party's initial practice in building a system of comprehensive and strict Party self-governance in the new era, made strategic plans for improving the system, and provided great guidance for deepening the great new project of Party building in the new era. The system of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party should be a dynamic system with rich connotations, complete functions, scientific norms and efficient operation. To improve this system, we need to govern the Party in an institutional way and in accordance with regulations. We need to put greater emphasis on the coherence, integration, and coordination of all aspects of the Party, on the sound and improved systems and mechanisms, on the scientific and effective laws and regulations, and on the application of the concept of governance, systematic thinking, and dialectical thinking to govern and build the Party. We will make all our work to comprehensively and strictly govern the Party better reflect the nature of The Times, maintain laws, and be creative.

We will unswervingly deepen efforts to comprehensively and strictly govern the Party. At present, some deep-seated problems within the Party have yet to be fundamentally resolved, and there is always the possibility that some old problems will resurface at the slightest relaxation, and new problems are still emerging. The "four tests" and "four dangers" facing the Party will persist for a long time to come. We must not relax for a moment in our efforts to govern the Party, and we must never be tired or weary of war. At this plenary session, we stressed that we should always be problem-oriented, maintain strategic focus, carry forward the spirit of thorough self-revolution, always blow the trumpet, maintain the keynote, measures and atmosphere of strict discipline for a long time, and carry out the Party's great self-revolution to the end. We will strengthen political oversight with a view to implementing the Party's 20 strategic plans, improve the Party's system of self-governing revolutionary institutions and norms, give full play to the role of political inspection as a sword, continue to deepen the implementation of the Central Committee's eight-point Regulation, correct the "four winds", comprehensively strengthen Party discipline, and resolutely win a protracted battle against corruption.

Comprehensive and strict governance of the Party is like pulling a boat on the beach. If you stop doing something, you must keep the strength and tenacity to carry it through to the end, so as not to "fall short for a mountain nine yards". We should better integrate our thoughts and actions into the spirit of our important speeches and deepen the Party's self-revolutionary practice.

Learn and understand further. "The most fundamental skill is theoretical literacy." The important speech delivered at this plenary session contains a series of new ideas, views and conclusions that we need to carefully understand and reflect on. For example, from the emphasis on "adhering to the principle of strict discipline" before the 20th National Congress of the CPC to the proposal of "adhering to the principle of strict discipline and discipline" at the 20th National Congress of the CPC, to the emphasis of "adhering to the principle, measures and atmosphere of strict discipline for a long time" in this important speech, what are the strategic considerations behind these statements? Another example is that in this speech, when elaborating on building a system for comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, we put forward the concept of governance, a systematic concept, and a dialectical thinking. What kind of world outlook and methodology does this provide for us to govern and build the Party? On the basis of a complete, accurate and comprehensive understanding and grasp of the spirit of speech, we should deepen the study, understanding and implementation of major ideas and theories, avoid knowing one without knowing the other, knowing the why without knowing the why.

We will further gather our strength to overcome difficulties. At the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, it was pointed out that the contest between corruption and anti-corruption is still going on intensely and has taken on some new stage features. It is still a long way to go to prevent all kinds of interest groups from forming coalitions and "hunting and stalking" corruption. It is still a long way to go to effectively deal with the hidden mutation, renovation and upgrading of corruption methods. There is still a long way to go to clean up systemic corruption and defuse risks and hidden dangers. These "four heavy tasks and long road", "four tests", "four dangers" and "six How" are intertwined and superimposed, testing the wisdom and courage of Chinese Communists. The important speech, not only deployed the task of "crossing the river", but also elaborated the scientific method of thinking and working methods, pointed out how to solve the "bridge or ship" problem of "crossing the river". We must make good use of the sharp weapon of the Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, translate the spirit of our important speech into our ability to comprehensively and strictly govern the Party, and overcome all difficulties and obstacles on our way forward.

Take further action. "Dare to take responsibility" is one of the standards of a good cadre in the new era. Party members and cadres should always work with the spirit of the Party Central Committee in responding to forms and symbols, firmly responding to the recommendations of the Party Central Committee, firmly implementing the decisions of the Party Central Committee and resolutely not doing what is prohibited by the Party Central Committee, and fully implementing the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee. To set an example of loyalty, cleanliness and responsibility, to have the courage to cross dangerous shoals, break hard ice, attack fortresses and pull out fortresses at the forefront of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party. Party committees at all levels should actively create a favorable environment for officials to start their own businesses, have the courage to take responsibility for those who are responsible and support those who do their jobs, be good at identifying, training and employing officials who are willing to take responsibility and do their jobs well, and strive to eliminate various factors that hinder officials' ability to take responsibility and do their jobs well, so as to make it a common practice for them to be willing, bold and good at taking responsibility.

Source: Party construction network