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The "four overall plans" embody dialectical thinking

Dialectical thinking is the thinking mode of Marxist dialectics, and it is the scientific thinking that correctly grasps the relation of the unity of contradictions and opposites of things. Today's China is experiencing the most ambitious and unique innovation in human history. The complexity, uniqueness and depth of the contradictions facing its economic and social development are rarely seen in the world. We need to look at the new opportunities and challenges at the new stage of development from a dialectical perspective. Embodies the dialectical thinking practiced by socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.

We should coordinate development and security, and realize the positive interaction between high-quality development and high-level security

China's development stands at a new historical starting point, and high-quality development has become the main theme of economic and social development. Development is realized in a certain internal and external environment. Economic development and social stability need security environment. Development without security means development without certainty and sustainability. Development and security are two wings of the same body and two wheels of driving. Development is the foundation and purpose of security, and security is the condition and guarantee for development. Promoting security through development and ensuring development through security is a prominent manifestation of dialectical thinking in the governance of the country.

In the new era, development and security are more closely linked. We have put forward a holistic approach to national security, which addresses both the common problems faced by major countries in their development and the special problems faced by the Chinese nation at a critical stage of national rejuvenation, and ensures high-quality development with high-level security. Development and security should be balanced, and security should be integrated into all fields and the whole process of national development.

Make the pie bigger and distribute it well by balancing efficiency and fairness

The relationship between efficiency and equity is an important one that all countries have to face and deal with at all stages of development. In the course of leading the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, our Party has accurately grasped the key points of the relationship between efficiency and equity in light of the principal contradictions at different stages of development, and has continuously deepened its scientific understanding of the dialectical relationship between efficiency and equity, thus ensuring rapid economic development and long-term social stability. From the overall and long-term view, only when efficiency and fairness are coordinated, and they complement each other, can we ensure a win-win situation of efficiency and fairness.

In the new era, we have deepened reform across the board and deepened our understanding of the relationship between efficiency and equity in the relationship between the government and the market. The CPC Central Committee has made it clear that the market should play a decisive role in resource allocation and the government should better play its role. Economic development needs to improve the efficiency of resource allocation, especially scarce resources. Market allocation of resources is the most efficient form. At the same time, the market cannot achieve social fairness spontaneously. The socialist market economy determines that the Party and the government must play an active role in achieving scientific macro-control and effective government governance, ensuring fair competition and maintaining market order. In socialist market economy, the capital of various forms can produce inevitably. In the correct handling of the relationship between the government and the market to balance efficiency and fairness, it is very important to explore how to play the positive role of capital in the socialist market economy, while effectively controlling the negative role of capital. Standardizing and guiding the development of capital under the condition of socialist market economy is a major progress in the efficiency and fairness of overall planning in the new era.

This makes the correct handling of the relationship between efficiency and fairness has a new connotation of The Times. Under China's socialist system, it is necessary to constantly unleash and develop social productive forces, create and accumulate social wealth, and prevent polarization, so as to effectively promote all-round human development and common prosperity of all the people to make more substantial progress. To balance efficiency and equity, we need to smooth upward mobility, create opportunities for more people to get rich, and create a development environment in which everyone can participate. Fairness promotes efficiency and efficiency supports fairness.

To balance vitality and order and build a modern society

Economic society is an organism, and its development must be carried out in a state full of vigor and vitality. As a large system, economic and social development inevitably requires close coordination and orderly operation in an environment where various elements are closely connected and various mechanisms are closely coordinated, thus showing a sound order. Therefore, coordinating vitality and order is an important part of dialectic thinking in economic and social development. This profoundly elucidates the dialectic of balancing vitality and order, maintaining order in vitality and stimulating vitality in order.

Balancing vitality and order is achieved in the process of improving and developing the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics and modernizing China's system and capacity for governance. Institutions and governance are both the source of vitality and the foundation of order. Social governance system and governance capacity play a great role in the organic unity of vitality and order. Accelerate the modernization of social governance, we should improve the party autonomy, and the combination of virtue and rule of the leadership of the urban and rural grass-roots governance system, perfect the work sharing of social governance system, realize the government governance with the benign interaction, social regulation, residents autonomy everybody is responsible for the construction of social governance of community, everyone is responsible, everyone.

An important requirement for balancing vitality and order is to take appropriate measures according to the circumstances and circumstances, and accurately grasp the main aspects of the conflict, so that when it is managed, it can be managed quickly, and when it is opened, it can be opened in an orderly manner. This is an important symbol of the level of national governance, but also an important expression of national governance capacity. The key relationship between the government and the market, epidemic prevention and control, and economic and social development fully demonstrates the precision and scientific nature of the CPC Central Committee's dialectical thinking.

We will coordinate domestic and international development and build a new development pattern

China cannot develop in isolation from and under the influence of the world. On our new journey, we need to scientifically balance both domestic and international situations, grasp the internal logic of China's common development with the world, and integrate China's development into the tide of world economic development. In the new era, China will take a more proactive approach to the world and pursue opening-up in a wider area and at a deeper level. China will become a major stabilizer and driving force for world economic growth and deliver greater benefits to the world through its development.

To balance both domestic and international situations, it is crucial to balance the overall strategy of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the profound changes in the world unseen in a century. The overall strategy of the great renewal of the Chinese nation has been launched and advanced against the backdrop of profound changes unseen in the world in a century. We must seize important periods of strategic opportunities and effectively respond to major risks and challenges from the external environment. The great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has become a major driving force behind the evolution of the global landscape. We must take the initiative of history, move with the trend and follow the trend. In particular, as The Times are changing, the pandemic is overlapping and the world is entering a new period of turbulence and change, we must seek a favorable environment for China's development and the progress of mankind.

The construction of a new development pattern is a strong proof of coordinating domestic and international affairs and adhering to dialectical thinking in the new era. With THE CHANGES OF THE GLOBAL POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT, THE COUNTER GLOBALIZATION trend IS aggravated, our country must rely more on THE DOMESTIC market to realize economic development. Against the background of the unstable and uncertain current international situation, relying on the advantage of the large domestic market can help to ensure the basic normal operation of Chinese economy and the overall stability of social overall situation under extreme circumstances. At the same time, to build a new development pattern, we need to promote mutually reinforcing domestic and international cycles to achieve mutual benefit and win-win results between China and the rest of the world.

The Belt and Road Cooperation is a major plan for China to participate in global opening-up and cooperation, promote global common development, and promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind, and is a major measure to balance domestic and international development. China has actively promoted international cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative, and worked hard to achieve policy connectivity, infrastructure connectivity, unimpeded trade, financial integration and closer people-to-people ties. It has created a new platform for international cooperation, added new impetus to common development and paved the road of opportunity and prosperity for all countries.

Source: Party Building network